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6 Day 3,508, 11:51 Published in Serbia Serbia Social interactions and entertainment Social interactions and entertainment

Treba svakako početi od1389. godine, tj. od bitke na Kosovu, gde se dogodio sukob srpske vojske pod vođstvom kneza Lazara i turske vojske pod vođstvom sultana Murata. Ovaj boj podrazumeva žrtvovanje za više vrednosti i opredeljenje za

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13 Day 3,504, 07:21 Published in Serbia Serbia Social interactions and entertainment Social interactions and entertainment

Први пут ћемо имати драмско-играну телевизијску обраду српског средњег века. У серији ће играти 218 глумаца и биће ангажовано 2.700 статиста. Серија се снима на више од 220 локација, имаће 100 снимајућих дана, а последња клапа се очекује у августу.

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that feeling #1

5 Day 3,483, 02:09 Published in Cuba Cuba Social interactions and entertainment Social interactions and entertainment

When you've got a lot to shoot in air battle

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Country President Elections

5 Day 3,481, 12:11 Published in Cuba Cuba First steps in eRepublik First steps in eRepublik

First of all candidates need to be a candidate for the presidential elections.
The requirements are:
They need to unlock presidential feature by reaching experience level 18.
They need to be a party member
They need to be endorsed by any party

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About Serbia in the game?

13 Day 3,480, 06:43 Published in Cuba Cuba Social interactions and entertainment Social interactions and entertainment

Serbia is one of the strongest countries in the New World.
Serbia was added in eRepublik on 11th of February 2009. as the 50th country added to the game.

Before Serbia, Serbs lived

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