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New eRep features

4 Day 1,456, 03:42 Published in Romania Romania Social interactions and entertainment Social interactions and entertainment

Following the upcoming addition of new planets and star systems to our eUniverse, the eRepublik developers have decided to test the Galactic Time as seen in the image below.

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Cine isi mai aduce aminte?

25 Day 1,441, 06:43 Published in Romania Romania Social interactions and entertainment Social interactions and entertainment era ordinea? Se otraveau fantinile si apoi se ascundeau femeile sau invers?

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Caut unitate militara

15 Day 1,082, 00:08 Published in Romania Romania

Titlul este 'self explanatory'...acum ca m-am intors in-game, mi-ar placea sa ma inrolez intr-o unitate a armatei romane. Cum majoritatea soimilor din generatia mea au parasit unitatea sau s-au lasat de joc, as vrea sa-i scutesc pe

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Cu scuzele de rigoare

18 Day 948, 03:17 Published in Romania Romania

Catre toti cei care m-au intrebat de ce i-am scos din lista de prieteni. Ma las de joc, ma bucur ca v-am cunoscut si ca mi-ati oferit momente....interesante.

Pt Soimi, sper ca mai am loc pe IRC si pe la cate o bere cand se nimereste.


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[Breaking news] Romanian/Croatian plans uncovered!

29 Day 889, 04:37 Published in Hungary Hungary

Breaking News!

Romanians and Croats want to be conquered by Hungary so they can RW HelloKitty!


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