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Vlada Tajlanda Februar 2013

64 Day 1,905, 11:48 Published in Thailand Thailand Political debates and analysis Political debates and analysis

Nakon teske i neizvesne borbe tokom dana 1904-tog, pobedu je izborila moja malenkost ispred stranke JOVAN PA - Thai Traitors party. Cestitam protivnicima na fer borbi.
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51 Day 1,888, 04:16 Published in Thailand Thailand Battle orders Battle orders

Sedim ti ja tako, pratim bitku, udaram po potrebi, kad odjednom stize naredjenje od vrhovne komande..

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103 Day 1,878, 13:49 Published in Thailand Thailand Warfare analysis Warfare analysis

Pozdrav dragi prijatelji. Kao sto svi znate Tajland nije zemlja koja voli rat, njeni gradjani nisu ratoborni.. Borimo se samo kada nas neko prvi napadne, ili pak ako napadne nase … read more »

Do we all have equal rights?

87 Day 1,835, 12:33 Published in Thailand Thailand Political debates and analysis Political debates and analysis

Thailand. Small country with few regions that u can count with fingers of only one hand, low number of active citizens, but BIG country in our hearts. It's our eHeaven. But why, why do YOU (YES, YOU ADMINS!) always need to bother us?! I don't … read more »

Kako je sve počelo

49 Day 1,817, 15:28 Published in Thailand Thailand Social interactions and entertainment Social interactions and entertainment

Eto još 2 dana i napunih prvi erođendan. Nije mi ovo prvi put da igram. Igrao sam v1 oko 6 meseci pre nego što sam dobio ban. (Ne nisam dobio ban zbog multića, bilo je to zbog sistem exploita). Tada sam bio u

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