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"Recovering the Memory" - Chapter 1: Bolivia's Destiny - Part 2

26 Day 2,058, 15:13 Published in Bolivia Bolivia Social interactions and entertainment Social interactions and entertainment

From the book "Recuperando la Memoria" written by Rafael Puente

Second Question:

The second question is as important as the first and is related to it: How come a country, born supposedly as independent and as the … read more »

"Recovering the Memory" - Chapter 1: Bolivia's Destiny - Part 1

10 Day 2,048, 12:23 Published in Bolivia Bolivia Social interactions and entertainment Social interactions and entertainment

From the book "Recuperando la Memoria" written by Rafael Puente

When understanding Bolivia comes to our minds, there are two basic questions to think about. The first one: How come did this country named Bolivia come to … read more »

Reivindicación: Una historia de Collas, y Judíos.

17 Day 2,022, 18:58 Published in Bolivia Bolivia Social interactions and entertainment Social interactions and entertainment

La redacción del presente artículo está inspirada en los incidentes ocurridos hace poco en el canal oficial del IRC de eBolivia y por prevenir la reincidencia en pleitos de índole racista, que aunque no se han extralimitado, es sano cortar de raíz y

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THIS IS FRUUTAA!!!! del 2010 al 2010

13 Day 2,012, 01:01 Published in Bolivia Bolivia Political debates and analysis Political debates and analysis

Artículo original de Shaos_13 cuya publicación me fue encomendada:

Corría el día 1812 cuando Pura Fruta, mejor conocido como Shaos_13 escribiera un artículo a favor del candidato a CP por el PMB, Gral. Blitztod, de las elecciones casi en cierne

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