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New trend in phishing attempts

37 Day 833, 02:16 Published in Romania Romania


My name is Ulungu Cikidam-dam and I represent a group of young and highly motivated amateur hackers. We're just modest, don't take it literally. It is well-known that hackers are good and altruistic guys, and that's why we want to make you

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Fetelor, v-ati scos!

15 Day 832, 01:59 Published in Romania Romania

Pe o zi asa frumoasa care se mai intampla sa fie si 1 martie, o reactie (sau poate nevoie) fiziologica normala este sa te simti darnic. Ma las si eu patruns adanc de spiritul Craciunului..uhm..spiritul martisorului, whatever, asa ca imi desfac larg,

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[Insert article title here]

20 Day 827, 11:47 Published in Romania Romania

There are several questions for which I don't have an answer, questions like “why is the night sky dark?”..uhmm, actually I do have an answer for this, the night sky is dark instead of much brighter than the surface of the Sun, as it should

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Fuziune intre RTF si AIR

43 Day 817, 12:17 Published in Romania Romania

Double the gun, double the fun! Pe acest principiu au mers unitatile AIR si RTF cand au decis sa fuzioneze. Din multitudinea de posibilitati, aceasta era cea mai naturala, dat fiind ca: amandoua unitatile s-au infiintat acum un an si ceva, virtual

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End of story for Malika

59 Day 808, 14:24 Published in Romania Romania

Am citit acum un articol de-al lui OchiReci, ceva despre Romania, tara nimanui. Acum un an de zile toceam ceva hartii batjocorind modul in care scrie, dar in seara asta, in mod ciudat, am realizat ca de fapt sunt de acord si simt acelasi

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