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DHC Geliyor!

46 Day 1,347, 04:20 Published in Turkey Turkey Political debates and analysis Political debates and analysis

eTürkiye'nin ilk sol partisi yeniden iktidar şiarıyla yola çıkıyor! Demokratik Halk Cephesi savaş sömürüsüne, teslimiyetçi dış politikaya karşı geliyor. Kutsal vatan … read more »


29 Day 1,110, 18:12 Published in Cyprus Cyprus

Güzel bir soru ve cevaplanması gerekir diye düşünüyorum. Yazdığım makalelerden rahatsız olmuş olan bir çok kullanıcı - insan olanlar, bu soruyu sordu. Neden böyle yapıyorsun? Ağzından salyalar akarak küfür saçan varlıklarsa report edildi,

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Unite against Imperialism and Nationalism!

58 Day 1,107, 15:29 Published in Cyprus Cyprus


Greetings fellow eCypriots,

The war has begun.. Imperialism once again swings the bat of war. Imperialism intends to shed some more blood. Because they think eCyprus belongs to them, because they think eCyprus does not have a … read more »

[PWPC] What will the Party vote?

11 Day 1,103, 14:36 Published in Cyprus Cyprus

People of eCyprus;

Progressive Workers' Party of Cyprus will vote on the following proposals;

The Alliance with eGreece, Raise of the Minimum wage



- The party thinks that an alliance with eGreece is not a

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[PWPC]For United, Independent Cyprus![EN/TR/GR]

14 Day 1,103, 07:42 Published in Cyprus Cyprus

People of Cyprus!

This is the declaration of the Progressive Workers' Party of Cyprus. The party felt the pressure of writing this declaration to inform the people about the elections and party's general political line.

- The party … read more »