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Media Mogul Party Time

37 Day 656, 05:13 Published in Serbia Serbia

Dear All,

Papa Smurf’s Newspaper has achieved 1000 subscribers.
Papa Smurf aka Montaigne became Media Mogul.

I wish to thank to some players, who encouraged me to achieve this performance:
From Hungary in alphabetical order: Adastherus,

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22 Day 655, 15:49 Published in Hungary Hungary

Kedves olvasóim,

A mai román támadással és hackeléssel kapcsolatosan írtam egy cikket, amiben az adminokat azzal vádolom, hogy hasonló helyzetben semmit nem tettek, amikor Szerbia meg lett hekkelve.

Az [url=

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A blast from the eGods of this game - and advices for today

36 Day 654, 07:12 Published in Serbia Serbia

Dear All,

Probably all of you have heard, that BanHammer hit again where it hurts the most and when it hits the most.

Indonesian president has been BANNED.

He has been banned in a moment, when he cannot be impeached and he cannot be

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Összeesküvés elmélet- az állampolgárság sajnos nem véd meg!

54 Day 653, 09:41 Published in Hungary Hungary


Először is: megfogadtam, hogy Magyarországon ha nem nagyon fontos, nem publikálok cikket, mert a múltkor is öten Unsuboltak, pedig tényleg ártatlan cikkem volt és még NicoSianipar-nak is tetszett. De most úgy érzem, hogy fontos

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Eden / Fortis may change their strategy

41 Day 651, 04:44 Published in Serbia Serbia

As I am not a professional strategist, should I make a misjudgement, please let me know...

As far as I can see, since Eden / Fortis succeeded to take over the initiative in the War, their strategy was the following:

1. Avoid if possible big

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