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Criticism, Josh Frost Style

4 Day 769, 00:06 Published in USA USA

In addition to the Christmas spirit, Josh Frost seems to have captured the spirit of one of my earlier articles. I'm sure he didn't read my article, so I can't claim any credit, but his most recent article is a perfect example of what I was

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We Want Lion King!

9 Day 765, 13:59 Published in USA USA

If we take Helionjiang from Hungary, we should ask the Chinese to lease Liaoning to us. If they offer, we should accept without feeling guilty or sweating the inevitable accusations from Phoenix trolls. Here are my reasons:


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No More Moral Victories

6 Day 763, 09:06 Published in USA USA

I can remember, not too long ago, hearing about "moral victories". If the eUS lost a battle, the media would be filled with articles describing the great effort we put out, and all the damage we did, and how we almost beat those Phoenix

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Indonesia, Here We Come

1 Day 754, 21:16 Published in USA USA

Last week was a busy week; this week promises to be busier. Earlier today, Japan's leader, Dokomo, made good on his threat and retreated Kyushu to the eUS, marking the beginning of the battle to liberate Asia.


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Why Sell Houses?

0 Day 741, 22:48 Published in USA USA

Is all that fresh survey gold burning a hole in your pocket? Trying to find a place to invest your money? My advice is, buy and sell houses. Its easy to turn a profit, and you can invest in increasingly more expensive houses as your bank account

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