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Haf Haf

6 Day 2,098, 07:10 Published in Slovakia Slovakia Financial business Financial business

Niuch niuch, ahoj!


At last I own a Q7 weapon company, if you want to work for tanks or tanks+money just write to me, we can talk about details of cooperation, I don't want to make profit on you, I just want to help but don't … read more »

Grupa rekonstrukcji historycznej

16 Day 1,716, 13:56 Published in Slovakia Slovakia Social interactions and entertainment Social interactions and entertainment

Jeśli interesujesz się historią starożytnej Kartaginy jej armii oraz sprzymierzeńców

Jeśli chciałbyś/chciałabyś spróbować życia jak ponad 2000 lat temu

Jeśli pragniesz nauczyć się posługiwać orężem starożytnym, walczyć czy strzelać z łuku

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[Slavic Union] SUAF units

14 Day 1,526, 04:42 Published in Slovakia Slovakia Social interactions and entertainment Social interactions and entertainment

Good morning Slavic Union followers o/ first of all I would thank everyone who was on sunday's meeting 🙂 where we decided to meet every week like that 🙂
But let's talk about our military part - we are … read more »

[Slavic Union] SUAF and meeting

20 Day 1,524, 01:12 Published in Slovakia Slovakia Social interactions and entertainment Social interactions and entertainment

Hi, today as most important part I would like to show tou our SUAF constitution, because many people were asking what will we do if two Slavic countries start to fight each other, so here it is:

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[Slavic Union] Delegates

7 Day 1,521, 12:28 Published in Slovakia Slovakia Social interactions and entertainment Social interactions and entertainment

Since we have resurrected Slavic Union few days ago, many people joined us and want to help. I can't remember when we've got so many active members. 🙂

Delegates is the most important part of Slavic … read more »