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92 Day 5,902, 14:36 Published in Slovenia Slovenia Social interactions and entertainment Social interactions and entertainment

Ne vem, kako bi začel tale clanek:

GrinOne ponovno udaril po tipkah in vas SPET lepo pozdravlja...

Spoštovani eRepublikanci, jaz sem ta pa ta...

Ker sem zagrizen realen optimist, bom kar sklepal, da ponevemkoliko letih v eInozemstvu moji

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26 Day 5,898, 13:39 Published in Spain Spain Social interactions and entertainment Social interactions and entertainment

Dear Spain!

Yes, I am in Tenerife! My wife and I fell in love (2nd time, both!!!) with Tenerife!

We are comeing here every year, OK, Covid-19 made some DMG, but here we are again!

And now I am interested in some suggestions, where to go,

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5 Day 5,266, 03:32 Published in Slovenia Slovenia Social interactions and entertainment Social interactions and entertainment

Here we go again! Endorsing Mission!

Waiting for SLO Air Epic to build Proteclor Levels!

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16 Day 4,236, 03:01 Published in Slovenia Slovenia Financial business Financial business

Today we have POWER SPIN! There is a Jackpot around gold value of 300 CC.

So, if I am speculating I say that tomorrow gold on gold market will be around 300 CC bcs all will sell gold AGAIN.

And if I am speculating some more I say that then we

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Ne bit živčen in jezen 😂

15 Day 3,928, 09:19 Published in Slovenia Slovenia Financial business Financial business

Če že vsi veste, bom pa Sesir-ju povedal, da je lahko zelo sproščeno zadovoljen, ker lahko podre holdinge in dobi povrnjeno vse CC-je, ki jih je dal za njihovo ustanovitev.

Še boljše od tega pa je, da lahko vsa podjetja anasajna, kar pomeni, da

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