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5 Day 1,995, 03:47 Published in Romania Romania Social interactions and entertainment Social interactions and entertainment

Our beloved ex president threatening our enemies😁

Arrlo's Epic Answer to our mighty ex president speech

[img][/img] … read more »


2 Day 1,833, 16:43 Published in Romania Romania Social interactions and entertainment Social interactions and entertainment

Alegeri, alegeri si iarasi alegeri....cred ca asa mi-am inceput campania din erepublik.

Intru dis de dimineata, nici nu ma dezmeticesc bine si vad o droaie de mesaje, unele incep cu miau, altele cu bau, altele cu vrei sa votezi nu o sa regreti,

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The tale of Greece and the Circle of Defeated

1 Day 1,826, 17:14 Published in Romania Romania Social interactions and entertainment Social interactions and entertainment

Once upon a time, there was a peaceful land, where everybody lived in peace, made jokes, laugh, eat, drink and a lot of other common things. Then one day, the hordes of CoT, wanted to do the same thing in the same parts of the world and started

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5 Day 1,804, 16:53 Published in Romania Romania Social interactions and entertainment Social interactions and entertainment

Am luptat, am suferit si am invins! Sau cel putin asa ar trebuii sa fie.

In ultima am auzit pareri impartite din partea e-cetatenilor romani, ba ca suntem o nuca prea tare pentru bulgari, ba ca le este frica ca putem face prea mult rau, ba ca tot

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Intoarcerea acasa

7 Day 1,800, 15:20 Published in Romania Romania Social interactions and entertainment Social interactions and entertainment

Si iata cum ne intoarcem noi acasa, din tarile frumoase, exotice si pline de rechini, batuti, infranti, cizelati si dornici de a face vesnicul si nemuritorul nostru joc etern de ping-pong cu cei mai buni prieteni ai nostrii, ungurii.


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