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Jocurile care simulează viaţa reală moştenesc inevitabil şi inconvenientele ei. Scopul acestui ziar este acela de a contribui cumva la îmbunătăţirea vieţii noastre în eRepublik. Succes tuturor! ;)


48 Day 2,314, 22:32 Published in Romania Romania Social interactions and entertainment Social interactions and entertainment

Dear eRepublik admins,

the article you just removed was not at all about flaming. It was about the respect that you don't pay us. You want us to obey the rules and communicate respectfully and patiently with your support staff, which is normal

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PVP - Înapoi de nicăria

19 Day 2,313, 01:32 Published in Romania Romania Social interactions and entertainment Social interactions and entertainment

Sau back from the dead.

Dacă urmăriţi Clopoyaur TV deja ştiţi că săptămâna asta contează enorm să luptaţi în gherilă pentru daunele pe care le putem provoca în astfel de lupte. Nu-i nevoie să intru în

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Dragă jurnalule

12 Day 2,295, 00:44 Published in Romania Romania Social interactions and entertainment Social interactions and entertainment

Au trecut 5 zile de la ultima întâlnire şi parcă-ţi simţeam lipsa. Ieri a fost o zi frumoasă, deşi a plouat. Am fost cu soţia la un mic chefuleţ, am făcut schimb de mărţişoare şi floricele cu ceilalţi invitaţi, am povestit, ne-am distrat şi ne-am

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Say hello to the PVP Bundle

6 Day 2,291, 00:20 Published in Romania Romania Social interactions and entertainment Social interactions and entertainment

Is this pop-up supposed to look like this? 😕

\/ No, that's not a ";" from me, but some "dirt" in the image.

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Guerilla module new features

41 Day 2,289, 11:42 Published in Romania Romania Social interactions and entertainment Social interactions and entertainment

Still in beta, but kicking ass, the Guerilla Fight module just got some updates.

1. The Ghost Warrior

2. Face the Unknown

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