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Plato in love + nove misije dan 1543

8 Day 1,543, 04:12 Published in Serbia Serbia Social interactions and entertainment Social interactions and entertainment


Evo danas nam je Plato izbacio 6 novih misija, sudeci po ovim srcima Plato nam se zaljubio i odlucio da ubaci misije za dan zaljubljenih 😃 😃 😃

misija 1

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Promjene u Resistance War(novo pravilo)

22 Day 1,469, 07:34 Published in Serbia Serbia Social interactions and entertainment Social interactions and entertainment

Od sada ako podrzite tj. pokrenete RW i on ne uspije i regija u kojoj ste pokrenuli RW ne bude oslobodjena necete biti u mogucnosti da podrzite neki drugi RW u narednih 7 dana u bilo kojoj zemlji. Tek nakon 7 dana od neuspjelog RW kojeg ste read more »

:) Proba

2 Day 1,442, 12:23 Published in Serbia Serbia Social interactions and entertainment Social interactions and entertainment

Test, test 😃

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