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Liberators of North and South Korea Unite!

3 Day 639, 00:11 Published in Japan Japan

Do you remember when images in media articles like this entertained us back in the good old days? Those Japanese wanted us to miss our hard worker medals!

Unfortunately most of the media brainwashing we have been subjected to lately here in

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A New Name

0 Day 577, 05:58 Published in North Korea North Korea

Due to similarities between the name of our esteemed workers' periodical (formerly known as Dear Leader's Voice) and the new official government newsletter Voice of Dear

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Dear Leader Works Hard for the People!

11 Day 569, 07:33 Published in North Korea North Korea

Dear Leader decides which worker gets his special Q5 gift!

Dear Leader has authorized Juche Workers to distribute five Q2 gifts to the first five North Korean citizens who post, vote and subscribe!

He shares the bounty of our North

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Dear Leader Interrogates Zsuti

6 Day 559, 09:43 Published in North Korea North Korea

Dear Leader Interrogates Zsuti

Our Dear Leader found out some useful information about our nation's enemies by using the special torture chair!

Zsuti now lives in Karnataka, Indonesia, where he makes frequent trips to Thailand for deviant

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Dear Leader's Voice

5 Day 557, 11:10 Published in North Korea North Korea

Industrious Workers of the Glorious People's Republik of eNorth Korea!

Dear Leader's Voice is the voice of the eNK worker. May our future great eNK President and Congress embody the spirit of the Dear Leader! "Juche" or "주체" in Korean,

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