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VELIKA PODELA. za svakog po 10 Q7

13 Day 2,641, 03:00 Published in Serbia Serbia Social interactions and entertainment Social interactions and entertainment

Sub akcija!
svako ko ostavi broj glasa i pretplate u komentar dobija 10 q7, tenkova naravn😇

posto ne kosta nista, a mnogo je dobro.

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pomognimojednidrugima DRUGI DEO 2. II

29 Day 2,624, 15:53 Published in Serbia Serbia Social interactions and entertainment Social interactions and entertainment



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plato mi je poslao poruku

25 Day 2,617, 15:13 Published in Serbia Serbia Social interactions and entertainment Social interactions and entertainment

je l zna neko sta hoce ovaj od mene. slobodno mi napisite u komentarima ako znate i ako ne znate. potrebno mi je 25 komentara

Plato | пре 7 сати/а
Dear kiler2012,
Recently, you have created content which was declared to be not legal.

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dajte komentar, ko da potpis dobije zlatnik

26 Day 2,617, 06:24 Published in Serbia Serbia Social interactions and entertainment Social interactions and entertainment

nema stvarno zlatnik, ali kad ste vec otvorili, dajte taj potpis.
hvala unapred junaci srBski

je l znate sta ima novo u hrvatskoj?
dobila predsednica

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potrebno mi je 25 potpisa

31 Day 2,609, 12:10 Published in Serbia Serbia Social interactions and entertainment Social interactions and entertainment
evo i vodeo klip da ne bude bez nista. … read more »