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Giveaway! :)

20 Day 4,948, 05:27 Published in Romania Romania Social interactions and entertainment Social interactions and entertainment


Mi-am adus aminte de eRepublik (datorita participarii la DevTalks a lui George Lemnaru) si am zis sa vad daca mai exista jocul. 🙂

Vad ca mai am in cont 41423 RON. Nu stiu daca e o suma mica sau mare, dar o impart la 4 utilizatori sau 1.

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[UPDATED] Donatii - vreo 2-300 gold

97 Day 3,535, 09:11 Published in Romania Romania Social interactions and entertainment Social interactions and entertainment

Mersi de "sper ca nu te lasi", dar nu mai joc de o gramada de timp. Mi-am amintit de joc si am intrat sa donez ce aveam.


1 x 118 gold / 2
Discobolul -> You have successfully donated 30000 RON. If the user accepts, the … read more »

[Tutorial] Cum sa faci un ticket corespunzator

3 Day 3,009, 09:05 Published in Romania Romania Social interactions and entertainment Social interactions and entertainment

Daca respecti instructiunile de mai sus posibilitatea sa-ti raspunda adminii in urmatoarele 24h lucratoare creste destul de mult.

Zgarcitilor! … read more »

10 dovezi ca zmeuNY e mai popular ca tine

19 Day 2,997, 14:43 Published in Romania Romania Social interactions and entertainment Social interactions and entertainment

10 dovezi ca zmeuNY e mai popular ca tine

1. Numele lui apare in articole TOP 5 de fiecare data.
2. Are de toate: followeri, hateri, sustinatori, stalkers?!.
3. Lumea sta la panda special sa-i fure BH-ul.
4. Toti ii vor … read more »

RL Romania vs sclavii din eRep :D

8 Day 2,912, 13:20 Published in Slovenia Slovenia Social interactions and entertainment Social interactions and entertainment

RL Romania vs sclavii din eRep 😃

** Romanian article. Sorry for invading your media. 😃


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