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About my newspaper

Open Wiki page

It was a troll newspaper in Lithuania. RIP at the moment and now the official paper of the trollin minister of the wtf

MM] Mercenary Mogul W. Cuba

10 Day 4,026, 06:07 Published in Cuba Cuba Warfare analysis Warfare analysis

Hace 10 años estoy logueado en este fichín. Me pareció que ya era hora de tener la medalla de mercenario y que mejor que hacerlo publicando un articulo en cada país que me faltan. Son 2 los que restan.
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[MM] Mercenary Mogul Rw LAANE AEESTI

5 Day 4,006, 15:27 Published in Estonia Estonia Warfare analysis Warfare analysis

Hi! I'm registered in this since 2009. Now I'm going to obtain the mercenary medal because of reasons.

I have 3 countries left.

I've paint this 3 articles

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[xGPS] Mercenary Tourist in Quebec

14 Day 4,005, 05:03 Published in Canada Canada Warfare analysis Warfare analysis

Hi! I'm registered in this since 2009. Now I'm going to obtain the mercenary medal because of reasons.

I have 4 countries left.

This is the 3rd post in the persuit.

The Quebec War Canada vs Serbia

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[GPS] Mercenary Tourist in Flanders (ned?)

7 Day 4,000, 06:40 Published in Belgium Belgium Warfare analysis Warfare analysis

Hi! I'm registered in this since 2009. Now I'm going to obtain the mercenary medal because of reasons.

I have 5 countries left.

This is the 2nd post in the persuit.

The battle of Ned Flanders - Resistance War Belgium vs China Taipei (

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[GPS] Mercenary Tourist in Salzburg

12 Day 3,999, 08:01 Published in Austria Austria Warfare analysis Warfare analysis

Hi! I'm registered in this since 2009. Now I'm going to obtain the mercenary medal because of reasons.

I have 6 countries left.

This is the first post in the persuit.

The battle of Salzburg - Resistance War Austria vs Serbia


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