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UM OCTOGON recruteaza

3 Day 1,432, 06:01 Published in Romania Romania Social interactions and entertainment Social interactions and entertainment

Oferim onoare si mandrie!

Ne dedicam eRomaniei, ne ajutam si ne sustinem unul pe celalalt!

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Cooperare eMLV-OCTOGON

6 Day 1,428, 11:44 Published in Romania Romania Political debates and analysis Political debates and analysis

Stimati membri UM OCTOGON,

eMiscarea Legionara Verde, prin reprezentantii sai, ne-a propus o colaborare...

In urma consultarilor interne am decis ca atata vreme cat avem principii si scopuri comune, nu este nicio problema in a ne uni fortele.

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Kosovo a region of eSerbia

12 Day 1,422, 10:01 Published in Romania Romania Political debates and analysis Political debates and analysis


Because our neighbor is Serbia and not Kosovo (read Albania); because during the time, Serbia was a friend and an ally...

Because Serbs are a proud people who stand and fight for what they believe in... therefore, a respectable people!

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7 Day 1,408, 23:58 Published in Romania Romania Social interactions and entertainment Social interactions and entertainment

Am ales sa creez aceasta unitate pentru ca m-am saturat sa vad in fiecare zi cum degradarea continua a Romaniei se transpune si in eRomania Erepublik.
Si cum si in realitate ma consider un visator si cred si sper ca pe alocuri putem schimba si

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