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34 Day 1,321, 09:51 Published in Slovenia Slovenia Social interactions and entertainment Social interactions and entertainment

Tauru5 podarja

1 Nagrada 16x q3 Red Armagedon orožje
2 Nagrada 100 q1 hrana
3 nagrada 50 q1 hrana

Nagradna igra se zaključi v ponedeljek 4.7.11 23.00h
Nekdo bo izbran z generatorjem

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Intervju Hans Agil CP eNemĨije

20 Day 1,253, 08:55 Published in Slovenia Slovenia Social interactions and entertainment Social interactions and entertainment

1. This is the first time you're the President of eGermany. What is your current view about the political situation in your country?
1. There are a lot of Parties but generelly there exist only 3 groups: Filz (Center), Flausch (radical far left

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6 Day 1,253, 06:02 Published in Slovenia Slovenia Social interactions and entertainment Social interactions and entertainment

Ne nisem predsednik vlade, sem veleposlanik v eNemčiji pripravljam pa obširni intervju z aktualnim predsednikom eNemčije Hansom Agilom. Trenutno je vojna tukaj saj človek ne mora pojesti niti njihove tako obubožane weisswurštl, poleg tega pa zdomec

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