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About my newspaper

Open Wiki page

Since I'm restarting this account, it's only right for me to restart the newspaper.

Running For Congress - Again~

11 Day 3,011, 03:56 Published in Canada Canada Political debates and analysis Political debates and analysis

Hello Canucks~

Guess what? I'm running for Congress again! 😃 I haven't run since 2012 but let's hope this one goes well~
I hope to actually fix our eCanadian economy and make some kind of progress towards a better country. As a … read more »

UchihaMonster is Back!

15 Day 3,010, 05:10 Published in Canada Canada Social interactions and entertainment Social interactions and entertainment

Hello Canucks!

So, UchihaMonster is back from her incredibly long hiatus (since 2013!). eRepublik has changed so much that I don't even know how to play anymore! Hopefully, I can start my erepublik life again and maybe it'll be as … read more »

See you soon, eRep...

9 Day 1,789, 06:49 Published in Canada Canada Social interactions and entertainment Social interactions and entertainment

Hey guys. Sad news today. I'm going into two-click mode for a couple of weeks or so. Maybe even 'not logging in at all' mode... This is all because of real life issues. I'm really sorry. I was really enjoying eRep. And just as my eLife got good, BAM!

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Congrats, EPD!

3 Day 1,782, 15:21 Published in Canada Canada Social interactions and entertainment Social interactions and entertainment

Hello Canucks!

Today I went to an amazing restaurant, called 'Wagamama' as a treat for my award. It was amazing, but Japanese restaurant so far! And it was very posh. 🙂 So that's my 'diary' for today! XD

Back on the political subject,

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I hate my life...

13 Day 1,781, 07:34 Published in Canada Canada Social interactions and entertainment Social interactions and entertainment

Guess what? Yesterday I couldn't log onto eRep because I was at an Award's Evening getting an award. Sounds great, but just tedious really... Got home at midnight, so I went straight to bed because today....I have to run 15 miles. Why? Sponsored

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