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eAmerica We Must Do Better

4 Day 479, 06:37 Published in USA USA

My fellow eAmericans. From the citizens to congress to the President of eUSA we must do a better job of protecting the honor of eUSA. We have the highest population by more than 2000 citizens, but we only rank third out of the countries because our

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Don't Forget to Vote!

3 Day 351, 01:48 Published in USA USA

I am just writing this article to encourage all eRepublikans to vote today for whatever candidate you believe is best. I personally throw my support behind Benn Dover. I think the ideals of Benn Dover support the ideals I believe in,

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Illuminati Update 11-03-08

2 Day 349, 21:24 Published in USA USA

This is an article to my fellow Illuminati members and to future ones. I definitely invite all party members to subscribe to this newspaper and others are very welcome too. I am simply addressing my plans for action within the party and some of the

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Party Presidency

0 Day 331, 01:16 Published in USA USA

Thanks to all who have voted for me to become the Illuminati Party President. I am here to do the best I can for this party and bring the true values of this party to eyes of all. These values include truth in politics, a strong emphasis on

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14 Day 305, 15:56 Published in USA USA

I am opening this newspaper with an explanation of Truth. We all know that truth and politics are hardly ever hand in hand. Deceptive tactics and lies are prevalent in today's society and most people either don't know about it or simply

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