Yes, I am running again... in my family's original country this time...

Day 794, 12:55 Published in United Kingdom United Kingdom by Damian Jacob Tamir Jager

Hello people of Scotland, I love you. I see myself IRL as Scottish. I may have an English accent, was born in England and live there too, but my roots are in Scotland. 'Ready? aye ready' gives a clue to my clan... and so does Nunquam Non Paratus.

My Experience can be found here

Now, you may not have heard of me, you may not know me, or you may.

- I am very IRC and forum active
- I am very experienced, as seen on the link above
- I have a lot of links and friends in eUK politics
- I am all for the noob
- I love to get to know the people of my reigon
- I love Scotland

Anyway, I am not going to make any promises I can't keep, unlike others, so here's the one I can:

- I will help in the organization and defense of the eUK.

I mean thats all congressmen can do really, apart from ask people to move to London, but please move after the election.

I will not bore you with any more, so... please vote for me so I can serve congress for the 4th time. Thankyou.

Now I even have a recomendation from the PM himself! See comments for proof...