Yes, Another One...

Day 790, 14:46 Published in USA USA by logan Dunleavy

Hello citizens of the New world it's me logan Dunleavy and I am once again running for Congress in, once more the state of North Dakota. Now before you read how about some music to read to. Well its also my campaign song but any-who hope you enjoy.

Main Article
Below are my policies and a explanation for my support of them.

New Players: I, like all of you have been a new player at one point(when you first join the game) but when I joined I fell through the cracks of the government programs, I never received food from the MoW program and was never told how the game works. I was lucky enough to join in New York, a state that at the time had a Q3 hospital. Because of the tough time I had when I first joined I strongly support government programs that help make new players early days much easier. Programs like MoW, the mentoring program and Welcoming Committee. I would like to see slightly more funding goes to organizations like these so fewer players fall through the cracks and are left to die or wander around in the dark, so to speak.

(whats that, you don't like new players?...)

Taxes: I would like to state that I support our current tax system. This is for a very simple reason. We are at war, this war requires us all to sacrifice a little in order for our nation to emerge the victor. The money you pay in taxes funds our military, welfare programs and much more. When this war ends I will support lowering the taxes but not by so much as to cripple our economy. I will, although say that I am in favor of lowering the VATs on things that are used very often like food, that would be because of the fact new players might not have enough money in some cases to buy food. That is in fact if they are not supported by the MoW program.

(oh hi there president Jewitt)

Fortress States: Just like anyone else I support our Fortress state policy. But I am in favor of having a Q2 hospital in every state. This is because when a new player joins they normally pick their home state. In most cases that state will not have a hospital. When the player goes to fight they loose wellness that they can't gain back and eventually quit the game or die. This is why I see the Q2 hospitals as a stepping stone it will keep our new players alive long enough for them to figure out how to play and know that they have to move to a Q5 hospital state.

(me lookin' like a cool cat)

Military:I strongly support the military and eAmerican militias such as SEAL Team 6 (I'm a member). I support additional funding for our branches and never have nor would support cutting or suspending funding for our already over stretched (funding wise) and growing(member wise) military. In the deepest parts of world war three when eAmerica was down to only a handful of free states we saw a great surge of citizens joining the military and a huge amount of organization. We as eAmerican need to support our military and I would say that all citizens should join the Home Guard or Training Division at least. If elected I can promise that the military will be in the top of my agenda.

23ed Congressman from North Dakota
Former deputy and full time ambassador to eIreland
Former HG soldier, and proud of it!
Current SEAL
In the DemRep party leadership, under Raegan Taylor (CvP) and currently Cromstar
Former mentor
General manager of AmeroUnited Grain(closed) and AmeroUnited Oil
Former CO in the Minute Men
Former PP of the American Patriot Party

Evry-"Logan Dunleavy is a very hard working congressman willing to bend over backwards in order to help our country"

Joe Newton- "Vote for him because hes not Claire"

Mattoze5- "hes a true patriot"

The United States war time fund- "for helping to bring our citizens together and arm them all"

Ikhsan Hadiputro (current ND AAP incumbent)- " Logan is a very hard working guy and i respect him at the fullest, he will bring good to Congress! "

The Democratic Republican Party

The Green Party

The Federalist Party

The United States Workers Party

The Republican Party

The American Action Party
(no endorsement pic from them)
The Socialist Freedom Party

Now that you have read this I encourage you to get out the vote on the 25th and vote DemRep in North Dakota.
"Logan for ND, all together now"