Year-end mission(s) rewards [updated]

Day 1,485, 04:34 Published in Poland Hungary by Swoosh.

Become stronger for 2012

Train at least 11 times until the end of the year
Rewar😛 12 str
Have a big meal

Eat food and recover 2011 health by the end of the year
rewar😛 10 xp

Enter 2012 as a true patriot

Defeat 300 enemies by the end of the year for Poland
Have 10 bazooka in your storage
rewar😛 30 str, 3 bazookas
Get your best stats before 2012

Surpass your current top damage in a campaign before the end of the year
rewar😛 str 30

Get into the top
Finish 3 times in top 5 damage in a battle
Fight in 3 different campaigns

rewar😛 1 energy bar + 1 bazooka

Increase your damage
Gain 10% more military rank points

rewar😛 Increase your military rank with 10%