WL Theft Triggers Lower Taxes and Use of the Treasury System (Day 1147)

Day 1,147, 14:30 Published in Canada Canada by Addy Lawrence

I’ve been trying to write one article a day for a while now and I had drafted one on the grain industry. When I went to publish it, it just seemed too irrelevant given the breaking news about Country President Wes Lewis.

Another theft. Another rage quit.

I have two comments.

First, let's grow up and learn from this. We have to start putting less money in the hands of government. Why the hell should we be paying 15% taxes so that people can walk off with the pot of gold? It's come to a complete joke now. Leading up to this event, congress has been hemming and hawing about reducing the tax rate while Joe eCanadian is paying tax through the nose, and this is how we are rewarded? This is a browser nation, truly what does it need taxes for? These patronage programs for food and tickets and stuff are silly, they aren’t bringing in that holy grail of a baby boom. What it boils down to is that it funds some petty in-game partisan politics. I’m sick and tired of the government wasting money and opportunities and accumulating wealth until the weakest mind of amongst the sitting government makes a play to steal it all. It nearly made me quit when Rolo did it. Stop the cycle, stop the flow of taxes. And I’ll go out and say it right now, because you are all thinking it, "We need taxes to fund the military." No, we don't. We choose to fund the military with taxes but we have a golden example in the TCO that keeps itself well supplied in weapons and food and they don’t need public money to do it. It’s over. End it here. End it now. Restrict the flow of taxes to the government. Join the herd, we’ll keep the government stocked with the BARE NECESSITIES, NO MORE!!! Military payments to armed forces, that's it.

Second, stop maintaining pots of wealth in orgs that get robbed. Maintain the nation’s treasury in the Treasury. The only way to get the money out of the treasury is by a successful motion voted on my congress. I shouted this from the roof tops after the Rolo fiasco and people didn’t buy into it. They said, yeah it makes sense but what if we need to act fast? Well, what if the thief wants to act fast? Do you believe me now? I do this for a living in RL folks, its called “the control environment". eRep has limited controls and it has management override, you have to understand where they exist and where the risks are. eRep does have some controls and the motion system of congress for disbursements out of treasury is a good one. USE IT PEOPLE!!!

TL😉R Prevent government theft by reducing taxes. Does 1% really seem that low now that your 15% has been stolen? Keep government money in Treasury where it will take at least 21 corrupt bureaucrats acting together to steal the pot.

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