Why The eUS Deserves To Be Destroyed

Day 656, 22:30 Published in USA South Africa by Ajay Bruno

Now don't get me wrong, I love the country of my birth, but I have no problem with saying that it's unfortunate it was not wiped off the map. The fact that nearly 80% of voters chose an immature, sorry excuse for a human being like Emerick is a testament to the fact that the eUS is an EPIC fail. Now I know this is only a game, but the fact that people take it SO far shows their true character in my view. Now there are hundreds of great people in the eUSA, but unfortunately there are a lot more easily manipulated fools who support someone like this. Emerick even cheap shotted me in a recent interview.

News flash Emerick: I would of never fled if you and your cronies didn't gang up by sending over 150 PTO votes to take over our party. Squashing dissent isn't very American. I love what being American is SUPPOSED to stand for, not the perverse disgrace that it now is in real life AND eLife. The founding fathers would be turning in their graves at people like this. So yes, some of us chose to make like the Pilgrims and flee from persecution to try and enjoy the game in a different country.

I hope that the eUS as it exists now is obliterated and something new and great and BETTER rises from the ashes. I despise PEACE GC because of what it stands for, evil and the principles of the fictitious anti-Christ depicted in the Left Behind series. However, sadly, the eUSA is no better than PEACE GC, it just claims to be. The tactics that the elites use, and those who follow them jointly share in responsibility for this. I am also sick and tired of my name being dragged in the mud. Just as in real life, I always stick up for my beliefs. Life is too short to conform and let other people bully you around. I will leave you with this quote.

"In matters of style, swim with the current; in matters of principle, stand like a rock."
-Thomas Jefferson

Proud Conservative. Proud Patriot. Proud Believer in Freedom & Liberty.
Ajay Bruno