Why should you make Will your CP? I'll tell you!

Day 1,809, 00:09 Published in South Africa South Africa by WastelandENT

Hellos eSA!

As many of you know already, I will be running as Willdeboer's VP candidate. I am honored to have this opportunity and want to extend my thanks to Will and everyone else in UP.

Many of you are probably asking yourselves, who should I vote for to be CP of eSA? Well, I am going to tell you why you should vote for Will. Will is always looking for ways to improve eSA and help eSA prosper. Will is going to work day and night for eSA and her people. He has great visions for our country and he would do whatever necessary to see those visions through.

Will is going to lead eSA to an era of great prosperity and influence. Will is the man for the job eSA! So when you go to the polls on election day, make the choice for your CP to rise UP to your standards!

If you haven't read the Patriot Referendum yet, you should! It will give you all the information you need to know on Will's platform.

As always eSA, thank you for reading!
WastelandENT signing off,