Why i love Japan! Part 1

Day 1,828, 13:44 Published in United Kingdom United Kingdom by Ironfists

I just wanted to write about one of my favorite country's.

For the most i'd put it down to their culture (Which i spent 5 years of school learning about, as well as there language) and i would also put some of it to Anime as well.

In what I've learnt and seen (3 exchange trips, so i may have some thing wrong) is that they are a overall pleasant and respectful people.
There is one day that springs to my mind the most, April 2nd 2010 me and my host Mitsumo-san with others but their names aren't important went out to for the day, and we spent the day messing round playing softball (I suggested football but they kept saying soccer so i gave up), swimming and shopping.
In the early evening we sat down and watched the sun set behind a cherry blossom tree with the sound of crickets and birds all around ,which always made me see how crap the Uk was, and i remember crying to how beautiful it was!

(^ Representation)

Their always so nice to you especially Older people, which is very different in this country in my experience, they made me feel at home and always welcome no matter where i was, but damm they kicked my ass some much at chess and that i see the young interacting with the old allot more than here, f*ing 10 year olds with their mobiles acting all hard........
I'll continue this tomorrow!

Thank you for reading