Why Everything needs to be looked At

Day 2,807, 18:32 Published in Canada Canada by Natster

Ecanadians, I am going out on a limb a declaring anyone who supports import taxes at 1% is unpatriotic and has a weak argument as to why. They are saying a high import tax will cause our market to grow too high and stagnate the economy.

I call that BS, and here's why. We don't have the lowest prices in the EWorld and yet our tanks are still selling. I sold 100 yesterday. That's pretty good in my eyes.

However, I'm not stopping there. The government wants to control you.
This is why they favor more income into the countries coffers. This was all created by bad tax policies and communes. Communes are bad for the economical viability long term, and I believe that they need to be mothballed.

This is why I want to raise the minimum wage to $40. If you are working in a commune, you would be grandfathered in, and not affected (I still have an employee I pay $5 too). However, any further growth of communes needs to be restricted.

However, the implication of the higher minimum wage would be a higher WAM.

The way from stopping this from becoming a run-away freight train is too lower the Worker Tax.

I do lean a bit towards the 2% VAT as well as 3-4% Import tax, but I want to see a low VAT and high import.
So, it's better to run a 1% VAT and 3% import.

There's no reason not to raise the import.

Furthermore, I would argue that the number of alliances to be obtained by the government be proportional to income generated over the last 3 months. I would propose no more than 70% with an ideal range of 60%.

I would also propose that the left over be put into treasury who would then do gold buying off of the market.

The gold and money saved and earned would be used for wars.

For Now Natster out!

A Khan Arises!