why does the eusa government need 1.5 million saved each month?

Day 2,812, 18:43 Published in USA USA by ComputerSpeaker

I am just wondering why we need to save so much currency each month?

it seems really foolish to put so many eggs in one basket.

does the american government not know of capitalism and the law of diminishing returns?

if you find a great investment, say holding currency to help fund a war, putting 100k towards it is great, put 1 mil only does twice as much, putting 10 million only does 3 times as much.

however instead of squirreling away the cash, it was reinvested in the economy. the number of factories would grow production would increase, goods produced would go up. damage done would increase.

If we lowered taxes or spent the cash on goods the economy would improve at a greater rate than it currently is!

we want america to be great! we should stop our government from hindering our growth!