Why a Story about Argentina Is Published in the South Korean Media

Day 794, 22:35 Published in South Korea Bolivia by Arjay Phoenician

Why a Story about Argentina Is Published in the South Korean Media

Last night I talked about how Bolivia is signing an MPP with Poland in order to fend off an Argentine invasion of Peru that’s going to involve taking the Bolivian Altiplano.

Tonight, I’m reporting that South Africa is signing an MPP with Croatia in order to fend off an Argentine invasion of their country that’s going to involve a land-swap with Indonesia, who still occupied the Western Cape.

The point in both last night’s report and tonight’s is, Argentina is revving its war engines, and its neighbors are bracing themselves.

Now, we can speculate as to why this is happening. Is PHOENIX empowering Argentina in order to open up new fronts of the World War? It wouldn’t be the first time PEACE/PHOENIX has done this, I still remember Colombia racing through Mexico in order to establish a new front in the North American war, and very, the Colombian armies were racing through the American Midwest. Is Argentina trying to re-establish itself as a continental power? If I remember my history lessons, it was Argentina who established the Alianza Hispano-Americana (AHA, now ALA) to bring Latin America together and to challenge Brazil as the real power in the region, and ever since, Argentina has been restrained from flexing its warmongering muscles. In my e-lifetime, Brazil has been the dominant power in South America; perhaps Argentina is challenging that notion.

Regardless of their motivation, I can verify that both Bolivia and South Africa are bracing themselves for Argentine aggression in the very near future.

Bolivia and South Africa are not only places I’ve lived, places where I’ve made many friends, but also places which have tried vehemently to maintain some shred of neutrality. Bolivia is smack dab in the middle of ALA country, which is nearly synonymous to saying it’s PHOENIX turf, and yet they are getting an MPP with the most powerful member of EDEN, Poland.

They’re also two small countries with close-knit communities. They’ve been the constant target of PTO’s and have lived to tell the tale. They’re accustomed to being underestimated, yet they’ve survived, even prospered to an extent.

Now, why am I publishing this story tonight in the South Korean media?

Because those who are sticking around to build the New South Korea need to know they’re not on an island, that they’re part of the world community. Having an active media means talking about all sort of things, and while national information is indeed vital, that should not be all it consists of. Bringing in news from other parts of the world is a way to not only give the newspaper media some variety, but to make it clear that South Korea is not alone.

Because South Koreans might see something in this article that connects with them. There are other countries facing similar situations, small in population, yet able to endure. Our country is facing an uphill struggle, but it’s not insurmountable, and proof of this is the knowledge that other countries have gone through some of these things themselves and have gotten through it.

Because, personally, I’ve been on the road since early August, and if I’m going to make South Korea my home, at least for the foreseeable future, I need to put more of these sort of articles in my hometown media. I’ve been planting articles around the world for months, hoping to put them in position to do the greatest good, to be read by the very people I’m trying to provoke. If my primary objective these days is being part of the New South Korea, even though I’ll always maintain contact with my friends around the world, I need to bring my world closer to my home.

This is a world where, unfortunately, aggressors see small countries as their next meal as opposed to worthwhile neighbors. The people in this country, the ones who will be staying for the South Korean renaissance, have more in common with people around the world than they realize. We’re not alone in this world, my friends. People are paying attention to us. In my estimation, wisdom dictates that we reach out for those people, find ways to bring them into our home, find that common ground, and through this, everyone can prosper.

The names and places are different all over the world, but the song remains the same.

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The Arjay Phoenician Show is a regular IRC talk show, Tuesdays at 3pm eRep time. The server is Rizon, the channel is #theapshow, and the host is wearing Spandex. It is an international show, discussing international themes, talking to people all around the world. Uncensored commentary, trivia, and the Wall of Scrawl. If you cannot be there in person, transcripts are available, courtesy of the World-Tribe (www.worldtribe.lefora.com). A splendid time is guaranteed for all!
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