Who I Want In Senate

Day 1,312, 05:06 Published in Australia Australia by Heals
G'day Australia

I response to someguy's article competition I have decided to write this article. Have fun:

I am glad to announce a new candidate in the upcoming Senate elections. I have no doubt in his ability, his commitment, and his passion for Australia.

So, without further ado, I am glad to announce that running for the Senate seat in Tasmania is:

============================😃ARTH VADER====================================


Thats right, the one and only Dark Lord of the universe has anounced that he will run in the seat of Tasmania in tommorows elections!

Mr Vader has expressed his pleasure in getting involved in Australian politics and his desire to help Australia become a better nation.

Vader is one cool unit

Now, let me tell you more about the prospective Senator:

He is extremely proficient in the use of the force and has deep knowledge in its dark side. He has held previous offices as 'Dark Lord of the Sith' and 'Emperor', and on a more practical basis, he was 'Supreme Commander of the Galactic Empire' and commanded a planet sized starship.

But now he is moving to Australian politics and he can't be happier.

Mr Vader meeting some of his adoring subjects

Mr Vader has announced some key policy decisions in regards to Australia's future and, if elected, he hopes to enact them:

Firstly, he hopes to enfranchise the role of the Country President, and believes that more trust, and therefore more power, into the President. He also believes that Australia should be renamed "The Galactic Empire" and that the Country President be renamed to "Dark Lord of the Empire"

Secondly, Mr Vader believes that the key to success is military strength, and will therefore strive to make Australia the strongest nation in the World. Invasion of neighbouring countries who may or may not include New Zealand would be a high priority. If elected, he hopes to begin the commissioning of a planet-sized starship to help Australia achieve its aims.

Thirdly, a promise to every Australian that they will recieve training in the force. Mr Vader hopes to spread the knowledge he brings and will give free tutelage for the studies of the force in regards to its dark side.

Every citizen who passes their training will recieve a lightsaber!

Fourthly, Mr Vader has expressed his desire to include Asthma treatments to the Pharmaceutical Benefts scheme, as well as discounts on prosthetic limbs and also the inclusion of free optical lenses and acupuncture.

If this isnt enough, Mr Vader has also promised that if he does not win, he will choke a puppy to death with the force for every vote he doesnt get.

You like cute puppies... don't you?

Darth Vader again would like to express his hopes, his passion and his gratitude to the Australian voter. He wishes to be more open with the voting public is elected and will lead Australia to the dawn of a new age.

So when you go to those polling booths tommorow, think of darkness, think of a future, think of your children, think of strength, think of Vader.

Vader gets the Biddies!


Heals (Darth Vader's publicity spokesman)