Whistlin' Past the (Sirius) Graveyard

Day 2,383, 13:06 Published in USA USA by Gnilraps

Whistlin' Past the Graveyard
(Seriously, don't miss this one...)
Day 2383 of the New World
May 30, 2014


Note to Molly Emma - I am soooo jealous of you right now. I should have had the balls myself to leave that sham of an alliance... I wish I had.

Not that all of the nations in Sirius are horrible. And there were some good people there during my two month tenure in the White House.

But my goodness was it more trouble than it was worth.

The writing was certainly on the wall. I should have known.

Molly, you are being cast as disengaged by Sirius media. Don't pay attention to it. I still have enough "back room" access to know that you are very active, interested, and more than available enough. You are easy to find.

No, what Sirius is not saying publicly is that they had no intentions of ever working with you right from the start. They are far more interested in NAPing Asteria, screwing with Russia, and selling us down the river. What's an alliance, after all, when it's built on the desires of only a few of its member nations?

USA had a legitimate voice in Sirius during the short time we were at the top of the international rankings (/me pats himself on the back). But as soon as we slipped from the top... ignored once again.

I must say, we've had far more "working" relationships with countries like ROC than we've had with our "alliance" these past four months.

People can disagree all they want (and I can already foresee the wildass comments in this thread), but when Spain acts more amicably towards us when they are our enemies than when they are our alliance mates? Something is wrong with that. Can we please make Spain our enemy again so that they will be nice to us again? Because being "friends" with them is like masturbating with sandpaper.

But I should probably stop before I say too much.

Last thoughts, Molly: you're doing awesomely. Remember, Sirius will have to circle their (diminishing) wagons, and to do that they need for you to be at fault. But if you have had to deal with even half of the slights, the ignoring, the passive aggressiveness... the downright lowdown dirty politics I had to deal with from Sirius, you must be a Goddess. Because if they lied about me like they are lying about you??? I'd have ended up with a temp ban at minimum.

Sirius is a graveyard, Molly. Some of the zombies there are decent characters. But it's still cemetery. So keep on whistlin' right on past the graveyard. To paraphrase my hero, tear yourself off a rainbow and wear it as a tie.

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