Where to go with the BCP

Day 940, 11:59 Published in Belgium Belgium by Theneka

Where to go with the Belgian Communist Party

Some people might have noticed that once again I have failed to properly run for Party President. This led to an PTO by my former PP. Resons might be found in being to buissy studying and writing spam articles. Nor have I been able to be very active on the Belgian Community fora, nor the eUNL fora. This will probably not change very soon, as I still have exams till thursday, and after that I'm going to Graspop 🙂 Anyway, then I'm home for a week, and off to witness the revolution in Greece for 2 weeks. BUT then things will change. Commimaxx spam will arrive, propaganda will florish, and when you've elected me as PP of the BCP again, I will bring you true Solidarity and Liberty.

Why a Communist Party?

At this point, Belgium does not have ideological parties, we have a gov with some state companies, a dying population, and a less or more active Ministry of Defense. Belgium desperatly needs a babyboom, and we need to ensure our babies continue to play. This will not happen if the State does not take the measures needed. These are massive gifting sprees to ensure population health is stable, free food for babies, and working state companies that provide free food and guns for their workers. To ensure this, the Belgian Communist Party will set up a commune systhem, that will be maintained by members of our party, but will be open for all players. By doing so we wish to ensure work and real wages for all players, and decently prised food.

What Program?

A lot of people think of negative stuff when they read Communist. Most of them mistake what they've been taught at school for reality. At school they tell you Communism is what has happened in the USSR under Stalin and co. This is not true. If you take the time to properly research what communism is (see Marx, Lenin or Trotski) you will notice several big differences:
- Communism = DEMOCRACY at all levels
- State lead economy = Democratly run companies, produicing for global benefits

and so on. Thus clearing up the wrong image people might have, we can go to the next step. What would a eCommunist party possibly mean? A good way of learning might be reading this article, written by an evil capitalist (just kidding) called Konrad Neumann. If you doubt his integrity, talk with him, or see his articles, which clearly proofs he is not realy pro-commies in any way. But the article is well written and gives you an idea of what to think. The official Belgian Communist Party Program still has to be made, but it will most likaly look simular to this:

- Free food and guns for Commune workers
- Low priced Q1 and Q2 food provided by the state to maintain a certain health standard
- Strong state companies that provide what our army and citizens need
- Good guides into the new V2, both on military as economical grounds
- Transparancy from the gov, what is happening with your money, and why?
- Referenda when major decisions have to be made
- All power to the Congress, as it is the most democratic instrument

Communism, it's a Party!

Thanks for reading, and hope to see you next time!
