Where should I vote..? [AMP]

Day 2,347, 19:45 Published in USA Canada by Code-Y

Hello USA. Congress elections are right around the corner and I'm Code-Y, your local AMP congressman here to tell you not where you should vote, but WHY you should vote!

Make yourself heard

Believe it or not, every vote counts and every voter matters. That means that if you want your ideas to be heard, you have to voice them. Now what you're obviously wondering is "How can I make myself heard?". Simple, each and every AMP congressman is online at least 1 hour a day and will answer any questions and follow up on any ideas given to them, even if they don't agree with these ideas.

This means that anyone can tell a congressman in the American Military Party something they'd want to see, and it will be considered and hopefully done to the best of our abilities! Don't be afraid to message an AMP congressman, we're here to serve you!

Serve your country

As an American citizen, you're living in one of the best countries in this game. This means you have an obligation to utilize your admin-given right of voting to maintain this countries top
spot. This also means that instead of voting for your party, or your friends party, or a random party, you should be voting for a party with a mission statement you support. This means if you like winning wars, you should be voting AMP. If you like working in your company, go ahead vote for USWP. As long as you vote for a cause you believe in.

For fun!

Don't forget, this is just a game! The entire point is to have fun and enjoy yourself! So make your vote count and take pride and enjoyment in who you vote for!

Some information on the American Military Party

AMP was founded on the belief that every Military branch has members who are bright and ambitious, capable and willing to do "double duty" by serving in Congress as well as in uniform. Some branches have policies limiting the number of terms a Soldier-Congressman may serve, other branches have zero-tolerance. It's our goal to maintain and help create policies allowing their Soldiers to serve in any political positions.

The AMP desires not to divide itself along a particular political issue but rather serve as a symbol of unified pro-Military players of many political leanings.

This multi-partisan stance is an important component of the party's broad appeal and potential for future strength.

For a bit more information on AMP, feel free to read our wiki!

This Election

AMP is running 11 official candidates this election and hoping to have them all serve in Congress, these candidates include the following people:

John Largo
American Tank and hero. He's served in congress numerous
times and is a very reputable figure in the Marines!

One of the oldest citizens in eRepublik, playing from 2009. Most notably he's a previous CP who destroyed Canada before it was cool. Hipster at it's finest

John Killah
Former CP and previous 4 term Party President of AMP. He's
very active and is a pillar in the AMP community.

David Wilson
Current Chief of Staff and AMP Party President

Mr. Swagg
Member of EZC, one of the best MU in the game. He does a lot of his work behind the scenes and is an 8x AMP Senator.

Second Commander of EZC and a very reputable person open to messages
any time.

Oh come on. He's greeling. He's 2x VP and he brought you Gnilraps!

11x USA Congressman with an eye for detail. One of his recent achievements include passing a new IES law!

Dave Gulya
If you're in AMP you know this guy. He's the communications director and messages party members with new updates!

Active congressmen who's Currently in charge of the AMP Tank program and a deputy communications officer.

Current Media director and a very active member of the party.

Each and every member running for Congress is Active and Capable. No vote given to AMP is wasted with a team like this one.

General AMP information

In case you didn't know, AMP runs a program called the AMP Food and Tank Program! Any AMPer can request up to 600 wellness and 3 Q7 tanks. Not in the party? Don’t worry, any eUS citizen can get 300 wellness a day.

There’s also the Free Tank Program, which lets anyone who posts on the forum twice claim 7 Q7 tanks. We believe that it is important everyone is well equipped to kill as many Serbs as possible! For this, you don't even have to be in the party, you just have to make 2 posts on our forums!

Tl😉r (Too lazy, didn't read?)
Make yourself heard, serve your country, vote AMP and have fun!


Deputy communications director.

PS. Every American who comments saying they ✯✯✯ Feel the AMPS! ✯✯✯ gets 3 tanks!