What sholud we do?

Day 2,467, 05:00 Published in Japan Japan by Nobunaga Sensei

Hello Japanese 
There are a lot of things in our little corner of eworld. I will bring you some info and ask you one important question.

Philipino front

You may wonder why am I writening about war in this country. Well there is a possibility that action on those front will cause problems in eJapan.
Croatia activate AS on Philipines and they have 2 of their regions plus a border with Asteria-Leto countries. Question is “Which China will they attack-big or
small ?”

If you ask me I will put all my money on Roc’s big brother. Yes there are a lot of bad things between China and Croatia so this is a 85% right answer. But there are reasons why Croats should focus on RoC instead.

We all know that is not so easy attack China. Also we saw that 1 AS on huge land (USA,China) will bring only defeat. Here are the reason why China is so good in stoping attacks on their land.
1)14/15 food house and weapon bonuses (they can have all 15 )
2)Lot of cash for CO
3)no dangerous enemies and RW (N Korea and Pacistan are no problem for them)

So if Croatia could jump across Taiwan and have a foothold in Japan or Korean penincula-that can be a potencial good start for future actions about China issue. Now is a good time for that-Asteria’s focus is in India.

If Aurora states can keep some regions in India then China can be attack on two fronts(Indian and Korean). Also a strong nation in region can help in diplomacy. Pacifica is pro Aurora-Sirius orientaited and may involve in future war against China.

Root action

A couple days ago Root tried to free S Korea. I don’t know if they had a plan for it-but their attempt failed. But we saw that in future Root will try to either make a deal and secure 1 region for congress for SK or to allow them AS. Now I wil bring you one possible strategy for them

a)RW in SK
b)RW in Japan
c)Croatian attack according to my previous written plan
d)AS on our region Shikoku (by ROOT country or UK as payback for AS,also Swiss are colecting for AS)

!!!! About AS on us-in NAP Taiwan said that they wont help us if some country attack us. By telling that they are doing a favour to their enemies.
Japanese actions

Now the main reason for this article.What should we do in that situation.

I) Help invaders- We could have bonuses and region for short-time. But what in future. They will leave after some time and we will be on RoC mercy and without secured congress.

II) Help RoC- NAP says that we cant help enemies of RoC. But if we fight with RoC how will our community feel after that war. We will simply return all our freed regions without any changes in deal with Taiwan. So if we fight on RoC side our diplomats must make changes in current NAP with them (more regions, more freedom on diplomatic things,helping us against USA or something like this )

III) Do nothing-as funny as may seems we could simply watch a war between Aurora-Root vs Asteria-Leto. But how can true Japanese just do something like that. Plus in the after war period Roc can say that the deal is off due to our passive behavior.

So can this kind of action is possible or not. What should we do it that situation

Nobunaga Sensei