What Have We Learned?

Day 637, 14:47 Published in USA USA by Gaius Julius
A little learning is a dangerous thing but a lot of ignorance is just as bad.
Bob Edwards

A lot of people are currently writing about the treaty, some are writing about the debacle, some are writing articles in support or against. Others have degraded themselves to writing articles that look like a two year old got their hands on photoshop and then bashed on the keyboard for the writing portion. Today I intend to do none of these, I was never one for going with the grain, so today I'm going do exactly that. For the rest of this article there will not be a mention of my opinion of the treaty. Instead I am going to look at what this past month+ of fighting has taught us. I may mention the treaty but only because it is one facet of this war. This is especially helpful to those who seem transfixed on criticizing but not helping. Please bear with me it is a bit of a wall of text.

Lesson 1: "A Nations strength is determined by its actions abroad"

Our allies rock, and I'm proud to say that. They have stuck with us through thick and thin. Likewise despite whatever happens treaty or not we intend to stick with them. I would fight myself broke and to 30 wellness for any of the allied countries. Is this relationship perfect? No, but the important thing is that we accept each others differences and do not allow them to divide us. This concept should not only be limited to our current allies. We tend to ignore a lot of neutral and PEACE countries why? If we treat PEACE like some monolithic alliance then it will continue to stay so. I'm not talking about buddying up with the Huns and Indo's, but can anyone in the eUS say they have a problem with Venezuela? When this war ends if the eUS goes back to its old approach of ignoring those different then we are setting ourselves up for the same results. Any success we've had on the battlefield thus far has been due to our ability to work with others, wouldn't working with more nations mean a stronger eUS?

Lesson 2: "The Divided States of America can not win any war"
The eUS likes to fight, but not with our enemies. No instead we dedicate the bulk of our time to beating on each other. That has to change, for too long we focused on our politics and our conflicts. It's probably a fact that more citizens can name the PP's of the top five parties but not our five closest allies country Presidents. This doesn't mean we should end politics, it is a crucial part of the game that I and many others love. Politics is what defines us as unique among many other nations of eRepublik. And it has the potential to be a positive force in our nation. How? Well if politicians fancy themselves the leaders of nations they need to start acting like it. This means they need to put aside petty differences, we need to stop trying to sabotage people because we don't like them. Backstabbing, back room deals and flame wars need to become things of the past. If people dedicated time away from these unsavory actions towards things like communication with the populace and informing new players, opinions might just change.

Lesson 3: "Criticism is nothing but empty words, unless action is taken"

The level debate in our nation is amazing. In many ways it is our greatest strength. The eUS is amazing at inventing or innovating solutions to problems. However we are also very good at turning that positive debate into whining and flaming. This war is a put up or shut up kind of affair. One of the early criticisms leveled was that the civilian orders were not detailed enough. People complained to the government but when we asked well can you help us fix it, no one volunteered. Then Chris Wilson stepped up he wrote awesome orders that included what level of wall we should fight to and which fronts we're more important. These are the kinds of actions we need now. Honestly I swear if someone has a criticism of something being done, they can personally pm me and I will do my best as the President's Chief Of Staff to help. Leveling constant criticism doesn't help because all it does is alienate those being criticized. However when you actually try to work with others the result is often better than either side expected. This country could always use more doer's and less complainers.

Well I see this article becoming a wall of text. I'll cut it off here and maybe save the rest of it for another day. If disagree or have anything to add please comment in an appropriate. This is an article about not continuing to be mindless droves, so "IMPEACH THE TRAITOR" and "PEACE PUPPETS" wont be appreciated. Also for another reasoned argument read this article by my best friend Jewitt. Thanks!

Finally one last thing, It looks like PEACE is gonna keep up the fight, in which case I have a picture for you.

-Gaius Julius