What do you want?

Day 2,001, 07:03 Published in USA USA by fingerguns

The Fed statement on US-AIM was surprisingly controversial. To me, it seems pretty simple. If US-AIM is going to succeed, they will need political help and it seems somewhat unlikely that they would get that help from the individuals who were closely involved in the JCS split or have isolated themselves from the rest of the game by locking themselves in the White House for a ridiculous amount of time. The Feds are packed to the rafters with newer players who have been working their way into government who are desperate for change.

Additionally, Easy Company was historically considered an independent MU, even while being tied to the Feds. It was one of the very first independent militias and it took the political arm of the party to get them recognition and fair treatment among the other military units/government. If anyone is in a position to negotiate between independent fighters and political types, I would think it would be the two groups that had an excellent and mutually beneficial working relationship for over 4 years. That both the party and the MU grew so large that they needed to stand on their own hardly means the relationship was a failure. It was a clear success. We are proud to see Easy Company as a very vocal part of US-AIM and we are proud to support them and the other independent MUs politically. We will help them get what they want. Not 'just because BFFs', but because of the obvious wisdom in trying to get our national fighting force cooperating.

The statement wasn't only controversial once it hit the media. It was hotly debated among the party members, as well. While the majority was in support, hence the publication, those who opposed it did so aggressively. The opinions seemed to split themselves mostly along the lines of how long you've been playing this game. A number of older players didn't want the party to get involved, generally making the argument that as long as the JCS is involved, it will be a failure and we don't want to get involved with a failure. Newer players, however, were almost unanimously supportive of the party working to help make this relationship a success. For many newer players, Unity elections are all they have ever known. They weren't around for the JCS split. All they really know is that elections are boring and we are weak on the battlefield because people aren't on the same page. To those people, the idea of US-AIM excites them. US-AIM means change. US-AIM means fun.

There are people on both sides (US-AIM and gov) who are saying the same things- the other side will never cooperate and this will fail. They're not really willing to compromise.

Let me ask you this- Do you WANT it to fail? Or do you want things to change?

Consider the implications of failure here. Best case scenario, the country rewinds the clock 8 months or so when we first started Unity elections and the nation was probably at its most divided. The government becomes more aggressive in their disregard of the general population and independent military units go back to conducting their own foreign affairs and removing damage from eUS initiatives, if not fighting directly against them. That divide weakens the nation to the point where the PTO can once again regain a foothold. And that's really AT BEST. The most we can hope for is that nothing changes and we all just stay discontent indefinitely. Hopefully people don't quit.

Now if you want this to succeed, let's think about what that could mean. JCS and other groups start supporting national ATO efforts and we're able to cut the PTO off at the knees and be rid of Unity elections. Our various military units coordinate together with our official foreign affairs so we can have meaningful wars again and start advancing eUS objectives across the world. Newer leaders have the opportunity (and the desire) to rise up through the ranks, so a time when the government and the military WEREN'T on the same page becomes a distant memory. With something to really fight for and a more unified community, we have an easier time retaining new citizens to grow and strengthen our population.

Whichever one you WANT to have happen, success or failure, you play a part in it. And by 'you' I don't mean MU commanders and government officials. I mean every citizen that has taken to article comments, shout feeds and IRC conversations. I am not a government official (being a 'former CP' means nothing), I'm not even in Congress and I am certainly not an MU commander. I'm just an average, albeit 'famous', citizen, and I'm telling you that every active player exercising their voice can contribute to the direction of this nation.

What do you WANT that direction to be? How are you helping to make it happen?

Thanks for reading,