What Are You Worth? [Revisited]

Day 542, 23:33 Published in USA Israel by Moishe

The following article has been written and re-written; edited and re-edited countless times. And yet it is still timeless in its usefulness. For that reason I present it here once again both for the perusal of the experienced eCitizen and as a linkage for those employers who desire to provide for their employees an answer to their question as to "What am I worth?"

The question I can imagine many employees would like to know is what are they worth to their employer in terms of USD/day.

I know, IRL, when an employee comes to me saying that they want an increase in pay I want them to present to me information as to why I should acquiesce to such a request. If they come to me and say, "I costs you x dollars per week and I earn the company y dollars per week" then I am much more impressed than if they simply say, "Hey? Can I get a raise?"

The wise employee has shown me that Y is twice the value of X and that I should be recompense them an additional percentage for their labors.

The wise employer has already examined this information and made the appropriate modification to their pay in order to ensure that a valued employee stays with the company.

So what are you worth to your employer?

I am going to present this from the POV (point of view) of construction and manufacturing. Land is quite similar and it takes very little work to make the transition to that domain. You can visit the Wiki for more information. Company owners can also visit my recently constructed website which incorporates this information into its calculations. That web site is My-eRep.Com.

The Productivity Formula for Construction and Manufacturing is:

W = 1/2 * A * B * C * D * E * F


A = Skill Multiplier
B = Employee Multiplier
C = Wellness Multiplier
D = Regional Bonus Multiplier
E = Trivia Multiplier
F = Company Quality Multiplier

(source: http://wiki.erepublik.com/index.php/Productivity_Formula)
Note: For land change the "1/2" to "1/4" and modify Regional Bonus Multipliers

A) Skill Multiplier
The Skill Multiplier is pretty straight forward. It is your skill level in that industry. If you have a skill level of 3.4 in manufacturing then that is the skill multiplier. If someone has 0 skill in a particular domain (area of operation) then their "skill multiplier" is set at 0.1.

😎 Employee Multiplier
Employee Multiplier is calculated on the number of employees in the industry under consideration. Ten (10) is optimum for manufacturing and land. For hospitals, defense systems, and houses it is set at 20. That value is controlled by the employer. For the purpose of this article we will assume it is optimum so the multiplier would be 2.

C) Wellness Multiplier
This is the most important of all portions of this formula. The Wellness Multiplier is calculated as 1 + 2 * W / 100 where "W" = your wellness.

Let us assume your wellness is 65. In that case the Wellness multiplier equals 2.3. If your wellness is 100 then the multiplier would equal 3 and if your wellness is 40 then the multiplier would be 1.8. Please visit the Wiki Page for the American Free Press for articles on how to increase your wellness.

D) Regional Bonus
The Regional Bonus for construction and manufacturing is 1. For "land" oriented companies such as diamonds, iron, grain, etc this is based on the regional resources. If regional resources are high then it is, of course, higher.

E) Trivia multiplier
The Trivia Multiplier now equals 1.5. When Trivia was an active part of eRepublik (a time I miss) it was Trivia Multiplier = 1 + Y / 10 where "Y" = your trivia results. If you got 3 right and 1 supershot then your trivia result would be 4 and the multiplier would be 1.4. Since the "Trivia Game" has been removed the Multiplier is a set value of 1.5 regardless of the industry.

F) Company Quality
The Company Quality Multiplier is, of course, based on the Quality of the company. The calculation for the Company Qualifier multiplier is Q = 1 / Z where "Z" = company quality. We are going to assume for the sake of this article that the company is a Q1 company so the Company quality multiplier would be 1.

The above enumerated assumptions gives us the value = 1/2 x 3.4 x 2 x 2.3 x 1 x 1.5 x 1 = 11.73. Your productivity is 11.73 per day. But wait.

In a gifting company it takes 2 productivity points to make 1 product. In a food company it is 1 for 1. In construction of houses it is 200:1. Let's assume you work in the food industry. In that case you just produced 11.73 Q1 food products.

But, the owner also has to buy raw materials. Assuming that grain costs 0.47 USD per unit and Q1 food is selling for 1.17 USD per unit. 15% of that is the current VAT which comes to 0.22. So 1.17 - 0.47 - 0.22 = 0.48 USD after other expenses. Multiply that by your 11.73 and you earned 5.63 USD for the company. The owner surely would like to clear at least 7% (0.40) thus leaving you with 5.23 USD.

With a wellness of 65 and skill of 3.4 you are only worth about 5.23 USD/day at the above rates. For you to earn more than that your skill must go up (which takes time) or your wellness must go up (get a gifting partner!), or your boss must charge more for his products.

Your Wellness is the most controllable portion of the above formulas. In a single day's time it can jump from 50 to 100. Or from 100 to 50.

Please visit the Wiki page for this newspaper for more articles on wellness and business operation.

Wellness greatly affects what you are worth!

And that is one reason why I try to sign all my messages with the salutation....

Be well!

~with love, Moishe