Well done to the new congress.

Day 1,042, 03:56 Published in Singapore USA by logamac

I want to say well done to the new congress members (including me).

I hope we will be a strong congress that will stay loyal to our country eSingapore.

I am happy to say that all the safe candidates were elected.

I mean Arbryn, Thedark Ace, Leo Schultz, Mister geek, Koosunami888, Logamac and Tmac48.

The only PTOer that did get in was Shotaro. I don't know if he's a PTOer but it's better to keep an eye on him.

Right now we can party and enjoy a whole month of accepting or denying laws.

The NGP and the SRP got 3 members of congress. SNUP go two members. BP and SYP got one member.

Lets work together.

Lets be united.