Welcome to eAustria 2/3 (English Version)

Day 1,986, 01:55 Published in Austria Austria by Austrian Mentor Program
Welcome to eAustria ! After work and train,you're probably anxious to become an adult citizen and raise your level and gain some experience points and your first energy bars and bazookas parts after completing the daily order,so let's start with one of the most essential thing in erepublik,the WAR!

First of all,if you click on the “Wars” part of the big blue panel,after that,you'll find something like this:

As you can see the screen is divided in three main parts,let's look at them closer:

1:This are the Campaigns in which your country or the country in which you are located is involved in,as you can see in the image,if you are in Serbia you have two possibilities to fight,one in a normal war and the other one in a resistance war(the difference between a normal and a resistance war will be explained later)

2:This are the campaigns in which the allies of the country in which you are located are involved in,you can fight for this countries and you don't have to change your location,that's one of the advantages of the alliances and the Mutual Protection Pacts(mostly known as MPP).

3:And this is the third part of the panel,you cannot fight for these countries because your country or the country where you are located don't have a MPP.There are exceptions when for example the country where you are located don't have an MPP with that country but your original country have it.

P😛To know where you can and where you can't fight,you should look at this symbol,if this sign is in the flag of the country you can fight for it.

Now the difference between the resistance war and the normal one,to understand it better look at the numbers 4 and 5:

4:This is a normal war and it occurs when a country A invades a country B,for example in this case Estonia is invading Finland,if you look closely in the lower part of the flag and in the right corner you will see that you can fight in this war and if you decide to do it,you will enter in the war in favor of the estonian side.

5:As you can see,we can find a simple difference between this war and the described in the number 4,if you observe the flag you will see a fist in it which means that the war that is in progress is a resistance one.A resistance war occurs when a country A invades a country B and some days later,the country B gather 10 people which provide 1000 of the currency of the country and starts a rebellion against the country A ( it sounds quite confusing but if you are in an occupied zone you will understand it better).The main difference between a resistance war and a normal one is that while in a normal one you don't need to be in the country which is at war and you can fight in any country which has a MPP with that country,in a resistance war you MUST be located in the country who is occupying the territory,for example if you fight in the resistance war,South Africa vs Brazil and the territory where this war is placed is in Brazil,you MUST be located in Brazil to fight there.Apart of that,you can choose the country which you want to fight for,the rebel one or the country which occupies the territory.
You can get more information about the resistance war here.

P😛We don't recommend you to fight in the “Guerrila fight” in the beginning,but if you want information about it you can find it here .

If you have already decided in which war you want to fight just click on the red button “fight”,and you will find something like this:

Let's analyze it:

1:Here you will find all the information about how is the battle developing in all the divisions(depend on your level,you will be in division 1,2,3,4)
Division 1😕evels 1-24
Division 2😕evel 25-29
Division 3😕evel 30-36
Division 4😕evel 37+

2:This is your weapon,you can produce weapons or buy them on the Marketplace,here you can find all the information about weapons.

3:This is the energy which is available for you,as it's obvious if you have 0 energy you cannot fight(you recover 10 energy every 6 minutes).To have energy it's important the food too.And depending of the quality of the food they can let you recover:
Q1:2 energy
Q2:4 energy
Q3:6 energy
Q4:8 energy
Q5:10 energy
Q6:12 energy
Q7:20 energy

4:This is your strength,you can improve it by training every day and with upgrades in your training ground (Every X time,an offer which offers you a 45% or 50 % of discount in the upgrades come,we recommend you to wait for this offers as you will save a lot of gold,the same happens with the factories)

5:This is the time of the battle which has already passed,this is important to get the Battle Hero medal,because you will have more possibilities if you fight when the battle is ending than in the beginning.

6:That is your enemy,you can see his strenght,his weapon,his location etc.As high is his strenght and the higher quality of weapon more difficult it will be to beat him and will cost you more energy.

7:This panel shows you how the battle is developed and shows you who is currently winning.

8:This is the current “hero” of the battle,you will need to overpass him if you want to gain the Battle hero (BH) medal

9:Here you can find the allies of the country which is fighting,so if you are located in one of those,you can fight for that country.

10:If you push that button you will start fighting,be sure to have energy,if not you will not be allowed to do it,even if your energy is 0,never buy a first AID kit,it's a scam.

11:This is your damage on the battle,this is also available for raise your rank and gain points for the true patriot medal.

12:This is your rank points,as hight it is,more damage you will get,(to maximize your damage you also need to have a high strength coefficient)

13:Here you can find the statistics of the battle,in it you can find the best top 5 fighters of each battle,Are you in the top 5?

14😛ushing that button you will change your weapon.

P😛Bazookas can only be used if you have 150 strength

Daily Order

The daily order is a mission which is set by your military unit,to complete it you should win 25 clashes in the campaign which the MU(Military unit)has set,if you do it you will get 5 bazookas parts and an energy bar

That's all for now.See you in the 3rd and last tutorial where we are going to focus on politics,newspapers,communication in eAustria and the welfare organisations in it.

Useful links:


Have a nice day! 🙂