Wednesday's Daily Dose

Day 2,535, 17:03 Published in United Kingdom United Kingdom by Nights0ul


"There are no seven wonders of the world in the eyes of a child. There are seven million."

-- Walt Streightiff


A woman, on meeting a psychologist at a party, made a pitch for some free professional advice. "What kind of toy would you suggest giving a little boy on his third birthday?" she asked.

"First I'd have to know more about the child," the psychologist hedged.

The woman took a deep breath. "He's very bright, quick-witted and exceptionally advanced for his age," she said. "He has good coordination, co-operates with the class, expresses himself very well..."

"Oh, I see," the psychologist said, "It's YOUR child!"


According to a new report, Nigeria owes New York City over $500,000 in unpaid parking tickets for its foreign diplomats. Nigeria apologized and said they'll pay the fines right away...if we send them our bank account number, our PIN, and our mother's maiden name.


Little Johnny came home with great excitement, shouting, "Dad! Dad!
Coming back from the mall, I ran behind the bus all the way home and saved the 85¢ fare!

Johnny Sr. chided him, responding, "Spendthrift! Why didn't you run behind a cab and save five bucks?


Blondes have more fun...but Brunettes remember it the next day.