We will not stand by! [Repost] [Ro/En]

Day 2,142, 02:03 Published in Romania Romania by Kelstein
Acesta este un repost - al articolului scris de mittekemuis - consider ca trollul a devenit de foarte multe ori (mai ales recent) o insiruire de jigniri - de aceea m-am oferit sa ii public articolul si in Romania!

Articolul Original il puteti gasi aici: http://www.erepublik.com/en/article/because-we-will-not-stand-by--2323294/1/20

[Limba Romana - Traducere facuta de Alina V]

Salutari! Faci parte din comunitatea eRepublik care petrece mult timp pe chat (IRC)? Citesti forumul si shouturile din joc? Esti dispus sa iei atitudine? Daca este asa, as dori sa citesti acest articol si sa te gandesti la ce am de spus.

Dupa ce am vazut acest videoclip pe YouTube si am citit despre cum a starnit controverse pe Twitter, Facebook si pe alte canale de socializare, sunt gata sa renunt la indoieli. Acesta este impulsul de a ma exprima in mica lume virtuala pe care am creat-o impreuna. Sper si cred ca mi se vor altura multi. Exista un singur mod de a invinge in fata agresorilor (beat the bullies) si acela este sa nu ne temem sa vorbim, sa ne pozitionam intre agresor si victime.

Inainte de a trece mai departe - o definitie

Cyber-bullying (violenta / hartuirea / agresiunea cibernetica) implica utilizarea tehnologiei informatiei si comunicarii - e-mail, telefon mobil, pager, mesaje text sau instant messaging (IM), situri personale defaimatoare sau Websituri de votare online pentru a promova un comportament deliberat, repetat si ostil desfasurat de catre un individ sau grup, destinat a face rau altora.

Trebuie sa admit onest ca eRepublick nu e un loc prea nepotrivit pentru acest fel de hartuire. Cea mai mare parte tine oricum de politica. Totusi, hartuirea are loc si daca se intampla o data, este prea mult.

Un nickname pe ecran este mai mult decat un nume

Nick-urile sunt alese cel mai adesea pentru a se potrivi cu profilul utilizatorului. Ne-am intrebat adesea “Ce reprezinta, ce inseamna nick-ul tau?” Nick-urile ne dau indicii despre oamenii din spatele lor. A sti asta este primul pas spre a constientiza ca in spatele nick-ului se afla o persoana reala, care traieste si simte. Nu este un robot fara sentimente cel care tasteaza ascuns dupa ecran. Aceste nick-uri inlocuiesc “mastile” pe care le utilizam in interactiunea fata in fata, din viata reala. Totusi, hartuirea care se petrece la locul de munca, in scoli, in toate locurile unde mai multi oameni impart acelas spatiu, este mai vizibila si mai condamnata decat cea din spatiul virtual.

A stabili limita dintre troll si hartuire cibernetica e o chestiune delicata

Sa fim realisti, majoritatea suntem inabili, neindemanatici, “tocilari”. Unii sunt mai abili social decat altii, dar jucam jocul acesta in aceeasi “groapa de nisip virtuala” si multi dintre noi sunt pasionati de joc. Unii dintre noi fac din troll o forma de arta, altii cred ca sunt suficient de inteligenti pentru a fi un troll, dar nu sunt. Acest tip de oameni, doamnelor si domnilor, sunt cel mai agresiv tip de Tentativa-de-troll, cei care isi propun sa hartuiasca alti oameni numai pentru ca nu sunt la fel de inteligenti ca victimele lor, sau poate pentru ca sunt ceva mai neadaptati.

Imagineaza-ti ca esti un singuratic. Colegii nu ti se adreseaza in pauza de masa, la munca. In cel mai fericit caz te ignora. Revii acasa, deschizi chatul si cauti pe cineva cu care sa discuti. In locul unei conversatii agreabile, esti ironizat pentru ca ideile tale nu coincid cu ale majoritatii. Te simti din nou singur. Nimeni nu doreste sa iti fie prieten si dupa o vreme vei incepe sa crezi ca nu valorezi mare lucru. Ce sens are viata cand nimanui nu-i pasa de tine?
In exemplu este vorba despre adulti, dar printre cei foarte tineri si chiar printre copii acest tip de situatie este mult mai frecvent intalnita. In curtea scolii, statutul inseamna enorm. Stiu asta pentru ca am doi copii, de 14 si respectiv 13 ani. Discuta despre grupul din care fac parte: Copiii “cool”, cei “aproape cool”, cei care sunt tolerati si abia apoi proscrișii. Acest din urma grup este foarte activ pe internet, in absenta unei vieti sociale active. Va sugerez sa cautati pe google “sinucidere in urma hartuirii cibernetice”.

Marturia unui prieten

Acum ceva vreme, un indragit ePrieten a fost tinta unei campanii defaimatoare. L-am rugat pe Konrad sa spuna cateva cuvinte despre asta:

“Joc eRepublik pentru comunitate. In situatia unei persoane gay lipsita de suportul familiei. eRep este o resursa importanta pentru mine pentru ca este unul dintre locurile unde pot fi cu adevarat ceea ce sunt, inconjurat de oameni aflati in aceeasi situatie ca si mine. Exista multi aliati online, si asta este o alta resursa importanta. Din pacate, nu toti oamenii sunt amabili si cooperanti.

In eBelgia, spre exemplu, este tinta unui PTO din partea partidelor HOPE si PANDA. Eu sunt o voce importanta impotriva actiunilor si miscarii pe care aceste partide le reprezinta. In loc sa se rezume la mecanica jocului, au trecut la chestiuni personale si atacuri la adresa identitatii mele de gen/sex. Am primit, de la mesaje private ingame pana la comentarii de genul “Fii barbat o data in viata”. Acest grup PTO a publicat imagini in care se refereau la mine in termeni jignitori sau pe teme extrem de deplasate. Aceste comentarii si imagini au fost prezente atat in media cat si pe forumurile eBelgiene.

Initial am crezut ca pot fi, pur si simplu, ignorati. Sunt doar niste copii prosti care comenteaza ici si colo. Nu s-au oprit. Au devenit din ce in ce mai abuzivi. Multe dintre comentarii au inceput sa ma raneasca si am ajuns sa fiu deprimat. Comentariile imi ramaneau in minte si, oricat de stupide, dureau cu adevarat. A fost demoralizator si m-au facut sa ma simt mizerabil. M-au facut sa ma simt sub-uman. Am fost furios si pe comunitate. A fost nedemn din partea lor ca, desi toata lumea era de acord ca acele comentarii sunt dureroase, etc., nu au facut mare lucru pe tema asta. Chiar si in cazul judecatii, verdictul a venit cu intarziere (vezi link). Am nevoie cu adevarat de ajutorul prietenilor mei.


Acesta este motivul pentru care hartuirea online este cu adevarat mizerabila. Raneste si este josnica. Chiar si azi mai apar comentarii rautacioase pe alocuri. Nu este corect si e nedrept. Desi ei admit ca ii face sa se simta “macho”, nu e nimic macho in a hartui pe cineva. In final, ii face pe agresori mult mai marunti decat sunt cu adevarat. Asa ca sper ca exista multi oameni mari in acest joc. Pentru ca e nevoie de oameni mari pentru a dezbate probleme si strategii, si nu a hartui si ameninta oamenii pana se supun.

Un sondaj recent facut de Ipsos

Cyber Bullying Statistics
Unul din 10 copii, la nivel mondial, este hartuit online
Victimele hartuirii sunt de la 2 la 9 ori mai predispuse la sinucidere
25% dintre copii nu spun nimanui despre agresori
Hartuirea online a scazut ca intensitate (indica importanta campaniei)
56% afirma ca hartuirea online are consecinte in viata reala
39% din utilizatorii retelelor sociale sunt hatuiti online.

Discut pe chaturi cu multe persoane. Am motivele mele sa fiu online atat de mult timp. Fiecare are motivele sale. Unul dintre cele mai importante motive pentru care oamenii isi petrec timpul pe internet este socializarea. Adesea simt ca nu se adapteaza prea bine in lumea reala. cauta libertate. cauta sa fie ei insisi si sa comunice deschis pe chat, crezandu-se in siguranta.
Vedem din nou intelegerea gresita a faptului ca te poti ascunde in spatele unui nickname. Agresorii au iluzia sigurantei oferite de anonimatul din spatele nick-ului in aceesi masura in care o au si potentialele lor victime.

Da, ati citit corect, desi cei luati in vizor sunt victime, au si ele o responsabilitate. Au responsabilitatea de a reactiona, de a spune tare si raspicat prin ce trec.

Situatia aceasta se poate schimba

Hartuirea si hartuirea cibernetica vor exista intotdeauna, intr-o forma sau alta. Abuzul verbal este cea mai raspandita forma de agresiune intalnita oriunde in lume. In absenta amenintarii cu violenta fizica, este important ca oamenii carora le pasa sa sprijine toti membrii comunitatii, astfel incat victimele sa stie la cine sa apeleze in cazul unei hartuiri. Cel mai adesea, a avea pe cineva de incredere la indemana pur si simplu pentru a discuta este suficient ajutor pentru a ignora sau depasi agresiunea.

Ajuta-te singur!

Nu raspunde niciodata mesajelor agresive / hartuirilor
Nu trimite imagini sau informatii personale, pe Internet, indivizilor necunoscuti
Tine minte: Internetul nu este un loc privat. Tot ce spui, imaginile carora le dai share, pot fi trimise catre oricine, oriunde.
Salveaza emailurile sau mesajele suspecte - e posibil sa iti fie necesare ca probe mai tarziu, daca situatia escaladeaza.
Daca esti vctima unei agresiuni sau hartuiri online ai mai multe moduri de a primi ajutor.
In primul rand apeleaza la un prieten de incredere inainte ca situatia sa degenereze.
Moderatorii canalului sunt prima optiune la care poti apela pentru ajutor pentru a incheia o astfel de agresiune.
Nu renunta inainte ca cineva sa accepte sa te ajute.
Daca esti insultat / agresat / hartuit prin intermediul mesajelor din joc apeleaza la administratorii eRepublik si cereti blocarea ID in cazul persoanei sau persoanelor care va hartuiesc. sfatul traducatorului: inainte de a da report mesajului, faceti un screen shot; nu toate mesajele merita pastrate ca dovezi, dar cand situatia se repeta, e bine sa aveti ceva probe ca nu e in incident izolat.
Daca se intampla pe un chat, anuntati moderatorii canalului.

Pentru jucatorii eRepublik, mai ales pentru utilizatorii de IRC avem un canal unde puteti intalni oameni de incredere si este, de asemenea, un loc unde te poti pur si simplu relaxa. Oricine e binevenit pentru destindere si relaxare.
Puteti intra pe #echillroom pe Rizon.
Jucatorii care doresc sa se implice si care vor interveni in situatii neplacute sunt moderatori pe chat si pot fi cu usurinta observati. Petrecand timp pe acest canal veti reusi sa ii cunoasteti si sa aveti incredere in ei.

Va multumim pentru ajutor

In final, vreau sa multumesc tuturor celor care au facut posibil acest proiect. MaryamQ pentru corectura, Salvatore3 pentru consiliere si celor care au tradus si publicat in alte tari. Multumesc in special lui MaartenW pentru sprijin si lui Konrad pentru curaj.
In incheiere, dar nu in ultimul rand, mutumiri celor mai priceputi graficieni din UK, Acroc & Rory.

Al dumneavoastra,

[English Version]

Hello there, Are you part of the eRepublik community that spends a lot of time on IRC? Do you read forums and ingame shouts? Are you willing to speak up? If so I would like you to read this article and stop to think.

After seeing this advertising video on YouTube today and also reading about how it is stirring up quite the commotion amongst Twitter, Facebook and other social media, I am ready to set my maybes aside. This has given me a push to speak up in our little eWorld that we have created. It is my hope and belief that many with me are willing to step up. There is only one way that we can beat the bullies, and that is by taking a stand and not being afraid to speak up, to stand between the bullies and the victims.

Cyber-bullying involves the use of information and communication technologies such as e-mail, cell phone and pager text messages, instant messaging (IM), defamatory personal Web sites, and defamatory online personal polling Web sites, to support deliberate, repeated, and hostile behavior by an individual or group, that is intended to harm others.

In all honesty I must say that the erepublik community isn’t the worst place for this sort of cyber-bullying. Most of it is politics anyway. Still it happens and one time is one time too many.

Nicknames are mostly chosen to fit our own profiles. Enough times we have asked the question, “What does your nickname stand for?” Nicknames give us clues about the people behind them. To know this is the first step toward acknowledging that there is a living, feeling person behind the nick. It is not a robot without feelings that is typing on a computer screen. These nicknames are just the replacement of the masks we wear when dealing with people face to face. Although bullying is done on the work floor, in school, in all places where we put people together, it is more visible and condemned than cyber bullying.

Let’s face it people, most of us are geeks. Some are more geeky than others but we all play this online sandbox game and many of us are gaming freaks. Some of us make trolling an art form; others think they are smart enough to be a troll but aren’t. Those people, ladies and gents, are the worst kind of wannabee trolls, the ones that set out to pester people because maybe they are not as smart as their victims, or maybe they are just a little more geeky.

Imagine yourself to be lonely. On the work floor, people don’t talk with you during lunch break. At best, they ignore you. You come home, open IRC, and search for someone to talk to. Instead of a nice conversation you get laughed at because your ideas are not mainstream. Again, you feel you are alone. Nobody cares to be your friend, and after some time you will really believe you are worthless. Why should you walk the earth when nobody cares? Here we are talking grownups but amongst young adults and kids this sort of thing is even more frequent. School yard placements, status is everything. I know this as I have two kids, ages 14 and 13. They talk about which groups there are: The cool kids, the almost cool kids, the kids who are tolerated, and then the outcasts. This last group of kids is highly active on the internet as they have little to no social life going on. Do me a favour and search in Google under ‘suicide after cyberbullying”.

Not so long ago a dear eFriend of mine was the subject of a hate campaign against him.
I asked Konrad to say a few words about it:

“I play eRepublik for the community. As a gay person with no support from my family, eRep is one great resource for me as it is one of the few places I really can be myself and with others who are like me. There are a lot of allies online as well which is a great resource. Sadly, not all people are nice and supportive.

In eBelgium for example, it is being PTOed by the HOPE and PANDA party. I am a strong voice against their actions and movement. Instead of dealing with ingame stuff, they went personal and attack my gender. I received PMs like “For 50 Euros, you can suck my cock homo” to comments like “Be a man for once.” This PTO group made many pictures referring to me calling me the Anal Rocket to other extremely inappropriate themes. These comments and pictures were both in the media and in the eBE forums.

At first, I thought I can just ignore it. It is just some stupid kids that is making some comments here or there. However, it did not stop. They got more and more abusive. A lot of the comments starts to hurt and I really got depressed. The comments stuck with me and while it is stupid, it really did hurt. It was really demoralizing they really make me feel pathetic. They really made me feel subhuman. I was angry at the community as well. It was really lame that while they agree the comments are hurtful etc, they did not do too much about it. Even with the case, it took a really long time for there to be a verdict. (see below) I really need my closest friends for support.


This is why cyber-bullying is really lame. It is hurtful and mean spirited. Even today, they do make mean comments here or there. It is not right and it is totally unjust. While they admit it makes them feel “macho,” it is nothing macho about bullying people. In the end, it makes them much smaller than they really are. So I hope there are a lot of big people in this game. For it takes big people to debate issues and policies and not attack and bully people into submission.”

Cyber Bullying Statistics
One in Ten Children Worldwide Experiences Cyber Bullying
Bullying Victims are 2 to 9 Times More Likely to Commit Suicide
25% of Kids Don't Tell Anyone About Bullies
Cyber Bullying Has Actually Gone Down (indicates the importance of campaigning)
56% Report That Cyber Bullying Has Real-World Consequences
39% of Social Network Users Experience Cyber Bullying

I talk with a lot with people on IRC. I have my own reasons for being online so much. Others have reasons, too. Amongst one of the biggest reasons people spend time on internet chat rooms is to seek company. Often they feel they do not fit in well with the real world. They seek freedom. They try to be themselves and open up in chat rooms, as it is deemed safe. We see again the misconception of hiding behind a nickname. As much as the bullies feel protected by the anonymous nature of nicknames, the ones who are setting themselves up for it make the same mistake.

Yes you read this right although the people who get singled out are victims, they too have a responsibility. They have the responsibility to fight back, to speak out loud about what they go through.

Bullying and cyberbullying will likely always exist in some form or another. Verbal abuse is the most common form of bullying done around the world. Without the threat of physical violence, it is important for caring people to be supportive of all the community members so the victims know where to turn if they are bullied. Often, having someone at hand simply to talk about bullying concerns is enough to help, ignore and overcome it.

Never respond to harassing responses
Don't send your picture or personal information to individuals you don't know on the Internet
Remember- the Internet isn't a private place. Anything you say, or pictures that you share, can be sent all over the Internet to anyone, everywhere.
Save any suspected emails or text messages- you may need them as evidence later if the situation escalates
If you are a victim of cyber or a computer bully you have several options to get help. First, go to a trusted friend for help before the situation escalates. A channel moderator is your first line of defense to end harassment. Don't give up until someone agrees to help you. If you are being bullied through your Instant Messaging system ingame notify erepublik administrators, ask for a block on the ID of the person or persons harassing you. If it is happening in a chat room, notify the moderator of that channel.

For eRepublik players, and mainly for IRC users, we have set a channel where you can find people who are trusted and is also just a place to chill out. Everybody is welcome for some laughs and conversations.
You can join #echillroom on Rizon.
Players who are willing to step up in rough situations and who can be trusted will have ops in the channel so they can easily be spotted. Hanging around in the channel will make it possible for you to learn to know them and trust these people.

Finally, I want to thank all people who have helped to make this project possible. MaryamQ for the grammar and spelling checks, Salvatore3 as advisor and the different people who have translated and published it in other countries. A special thanks to MaartenW for supporting this and Konrad for his courage.
Last but not least the two most awesome graphics guys in the UK, Acroc & Rory.

Yours truly,