WAR: Vacation in Paris, Canada!

Day 382, 19:33 Published in Canada Canada by Augustus Baldwin

To War Canadians, To War!

Many of you volunteered to go overseas and fight France, Portugal and their PEACE monkeys as part of the volunteer Canadian Legion. Now is our chance to fight France from home!

Tomorrow the ATLANTIS Coalition of Canada, the United States, the United Kingdom, Sweden, and Switzerland will launch a multi-pronged assault on France. Canada will then form a protectorate over North Western France in cooperation with our ATLANTIS allies.

So get your guns ready Canadians, now is our chance to destroy our PEACE enemies once and for all. The Fall of France will signal the end of the PEACE alliance and the beginning of the PAX ATLANTIS.

Note: Canada probably wont be occupying Paris, because the Americans are racing to secure it for themselves, but the title just sounds so nice 🙂