Votezi cu mine, votezi pentru tine!

Day 396, 15:44 Published in Romania Romania by Ramada

Stimati concetateni!

Prin acest articol imi fac publica intentia de a candida la congres pentru regiunea Taurida.
Am 8 luni de vechime in joc, cu 2 luni de pauza dupa care am revenit cu forta in joc, hotarat sa fac totul pentru voi. Consider ca cele cateva luni de activitate in joc (chiar si pe post de observator pe planul politic) sunt suficiente pentru ocuparea acestui post de congresman.

Odata ajuns in congres datoria mea va fi:
~sa votez propunerile de interes general, si nu cele ale unui grup restrans de oameni
~sa ma conving ca ceea ce votez nu este o teapa (stil Infinity13 and co)
~sa fac propuneri care sa ajute la cresterea economica a tarii (si nu la dezvoltarea pietei negre)
~sa sprijin Armata Romaniei prin actiunile mele

Astfel rog pe toti cei care vor un viitor mai bun, un pas inainte, sa ma voteze.

Votezi cu mine, votezi pentru tine.


Dear people!

With this article I make public intention to candidate for congress in Taurida region.
I have 8 months experience in the game, with a 2 months break, after which I returned with force in the game, and I am determined to do everything for you. I consider that the few months activity in the game (even as an observer on the political plane) are sufficient to fill the post of congressman.

Once inside the congress my job will be:
~ to vote proposolas in the general interest and not those of a group of people
~ to make proposals to help the growth of the country
~ to support the Romanian Army through my actions

Thus I ask all those who want a better future, a step forward, to vote with me.

Vote for me, vote for you.