Vote Konrad in Northern Netherlands

Day 884, 11:49 Published in Netherlands Belgium by Konrad Neumann

As the congress election draws nigh, I Konrad Neumann Duke of Northern Netherlands (title granted by Prince Frerk) decided to run for congress in Northern Netherlands under the GLD banner.

Official Seal of House Neumann

My Experience

-ex eGerman President from January to March 5th.
-6 time congressman (1 term in Brandenburg Berlin, 4x Hesse, 1x Bavaria)
-Co-Author of the Frankfurt Treaty
-One of the negotiator, author of the Phoenix alliance under then President Donnie Bronco
-Vice/MoFA of eGermany from August to January
-Former ambassador to eAustralia, eUK, and UNL
-5-6 month of Party President of Open Minded Germany (eGermany's largest political party)


-Donnie Bronco-Former eGerman President, SG of Phoenix
-Mr Woldy- Former eUK Prime Minister
-Trinc- Former NL MoFA and former PP of GLD
-Myers11-Former PP of LP
-Alex Drex- eGerman Congressman, ambassador to eUS and eCanada. PP of Open Minded Germany
-Prince Frerk-PHX Key-master and many other things.
-Daniel Dimow- Former eBulgarian MoFA
-Higter- eGerman Congressman and PP of Steinmetze
-Mitch Rapp- Current NL President
-MachtGeil-, former dictator of egermany and evil commie (from MG himself xD)

About Me

As many of you know, I am new to this nation, but I am no stranger to ePolitics. I as you can see, I am experience in all branches of politics from a congressman to minister, to the president position, I know what each faction wants and what their concerns are. I know when a group needs something or when they try to pull a fast one. I believe my experience allows me to filter the genuine concerns and needs from BS.

I have little to no tolerance for political BS. I will only focus on what is needed and trim the fat that we do not need. I fought long and hard against the BS in eGermany even taking less popular path. I refuse to make grand promises and other BS like we need more and more, infinitely more transparency or that if you vote me to congress, that I will single handed improve relations with other states etc. That is not what the congress do. All I can offer and I think in the end is most important is my word that I will do my best to uphold the responsibility of a congressman and to make and support policies that best represent the interest of all eDutch citizens. To say I can do more is only lie or a sign of inexperience.

My Ideas

I do have a few new ideas in which I will work with the GLD and other parties on it. Such ideas are my Dual Citizenship idea which I will release at a later date. The main idea is there but I will need to tweak it to fit the NL needs. The following is not the final draft as it was for eGermany but you can have a sneak peek]

Also I encourage all people when they write their newspaper articles to have a footer that contains a link to the eNL forums, as well as the links to the government newspaper which will help new players or even experience players who did not subscribe yet the links they need to do so. Please use this following googledoc as reference.


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We should get NL virginzed as soon as possible.


Many thanks for reading and go and vote Konrad Neumann in Northern Netherlands

Konrad Neumann
Former eGerman President x2
eGerman Congressman x6
Party President of Open Minded Germany x5
Former eGerman MoFA from Aug-Jan 2010">

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*Forum of the Netherlands
*Ministry of Media & Education
*Ministry of Defense
*Ministry of Home Affairs (Interior Affairs/ Binnenlandse Zaken)
*Ministry of Recruitment & Coaching
*Ministry of Foreign Affairs
*Ministry of Economic Affairs
*Ministry of Finance
*Ministry of Raws