Vise od igre!!!

Day 1,935, 12:25 Published in Serbia Serbia by Panda monium

Pocesmo da igramo jednu igru...Verujem da niko od nas nije nasao neki deo igre koji ce mu postati posebno zanimljiv i da moze da kaze da igru igra bas zbog tog dela igre!!

Ovde sam da bih ratovao??Mozda neki od tenkova koji su veliku kolicinu RL novca ulozili u ratovanje na igri ali cisto sumnjam da neki od nas obicnih igraca ima to kao motiv za igranje...

Tu smo zbog ekonomije??Zar ona jos uvek postoji na ovoj igri??Zaboravio sam cak i kako je ona izgledala...Mislim da je bila zanimljiva u nekim ranijim verzijama igre...Al davno to bese i vec sam zaboravio na to!!

Tu smo zbog politike??Kako da ne...Koliko mi je puta doslo da se kod dede popnem na krov i skinem mu antenu,da on ne zna jer me izludjuje sa prenosom skupstine ili Dnevnikom...Dobro to sto sam kada on nije tu brisao iz memorije televizora RST 2 i pravio se da ne znam sta je bilo,cak se i trudio da mu nadjem, ne racunam...I nemoj da mu kazete da sam to radio naljutice se!!

Tu sam da bih se bavio novinarstvom??Pa imam toliko pravopisnih gresaka da cisto sumnjam da bi neko iole normalan uzeo u razmatranje ono sto naskrabam...Bolje da preskocim ovu temu posto sam imao odlicnu ocenu iz srpskog jezika proganjace me neko od profesora...

Cek pa zasto smo onda ovde??Kada realno na igri nema nista toliko zanimljivo...

Ovde smo jer smo postali deo jedne zajednice...Postali smo deo necega a verujem da niko od nas nije ni primetio kada samo srasli sa ovom igrom i sad da li smo mi postali deo igre ili igra deo nas nemam pojma...Verovatno i jedno i drugo!!

Poceli smo da smatramo prijateljima ljude cija ni imena ne znamo...Nemamo pojma ni kako izgledaju...Ama bas nista o njima osim onoga sto smo nekim slucajem uz igranje videli,culi,saznali...
Ko zna koliko se puta desilo da smo prosli pored nekoga ko igra kao i mi ovu igru i koga cak imamo u listi prijatelja a da cak nismo ni naslutili da je on bas taj lik koji se krije iza nama poznatog nicka...

Vremenom su ti ljudi koji se nalaze iza neobicnih nickova,dobro ne bas uvek neobicnih ali dobrim delom da, postali deo nasega zivota!!Osobe sa kojima razmenjujemo svasta,po nekada cak i svoja osecanja!!

Dalje to prelazi u RL upoznavanja,zajednicke skupove,izlaske u grad itd...Ide se cak i dalje od toga...

Samim tim te ljude koje smo sreli ovde dozivljavamo kao i ljude koje smo upoznali u skoli,na poslu,u gradu...

Postajemo svi deo jedne velike porodice...Mozda bolje da je nazovem zajednice ali u svakom slucaju postajemo jedno...

Naravno desavaju se razne svadje,prepirke pa cak i mnogo teske reci padnu...Ali to se desava i van ove igre tako da je za ocekivati da se desi i ovde!!!Pa ljudi ne mogu ne znam koliko drugaciji na igri nego kakvi su van nje...

Zato je tuga kada neko ko je deo nase velike porodice ovde ode od nas velika...I ako ga vecina nas nikada nije ni srela ali jednostavno bio je deo necega ciji smo deo i mi tako da je i on neko nas...

Verujem da se svi malo stariji igraci secaju kada nas je napustio Don KronoX i kolika je tada tuga bila...

Pocivaj u miru Done...

Danas me je rastuzila vest,kao i verujem vecinu vas, da medju nama vise nije Spop...Prvo sto mi je proslo kroz glavi je njegov stari avatar na kom je bio arhangel,kao i na mom verovatno sam se zbog toga i setio...A posle toga su krenule kroz glavu da prolazi slike ostalih igraca koji su nas napustili...

Spop pocivaj u miru...Nazalost opaka bolest je bila jaca ali ne i od secanja na tebe!!Ostaces nam u secanju...
Zbogom brate!!

I zbogom svi ostali dragi prijatelji koji vise niste sa nama a predstavljali ste deo ove igracke zajednice!!Pocivajte u miru...Mi ostajemo da cuvamo secanje na vas!!!
Hvala za prevod na engleski Senka senke!!

More than a game!!

We've started playing a game... I believe that nobody has found just one particular part of the game to be his or her favourite and that is able to say that the game is played for that reason only!!

Am I here to fight in wars? Perhaps there are some tanks who have invested huge amount of RL money into warfare, but I doubt that this is a motive for playing for some of us ordinary players...

Are we here because of the economy? Is it possible that it still exist in this game? I've even forgotten how it looks like. I think it used to be interesting in some earlier versions of the game. But it was a long time ago, and I’ve already forgotten about it!!

Are we here because of the politics? Oh, yes, sure... How many times was it when I had the urge to mount the roof of my granddad's place and tear down the antenna to prevent him from watching the real time emission of the assembly meeting or the national news... Well, I would delete RTS2 channel from the memory and then pretend not to know anything about it, and I even tried to “find” the channel again, countless times... and don't tell him, he'll be mad at me!!

Am I here to be a journalist? I've got so many mistakes that I seriously doubt that anyone in his common sense would even consider what I write about... I'd better leave this topic, since I had an excellent grade in Serbian language, some of my teachers might haunt me...

Wait, than – why on earth are we here, when there is nothing really interesting in this game...

We are here because we have become a part of a community... We have become a part of something, and I believe that no one really notice the moment when we grew together with the game and now whether we are the part of the game or the game is part of us, I don't have a clue... Probably, both things are true!!

We've started to be friends with people whose names we don't know. We have no idea how they look like...we know nothing of them except for the things we might have seen, heard, learned about them from the game...

Who knows how many times we may have passed by someone who's been playing the game and whom we even have in our friends' list, but we didn't even imagine that this is the person hiding behind a familiar nick...

During time all these people who are behind unusual nicks (not always, but mostly unusual) have become a part of our lives!!! Persons who we exchange everything with, sometimes even our feelings!!

It further evolves into RL meetings, gatherings, going out... sometimes even more than that...

Therefore, these people whom we met here, we experience as the ones we met at school, work, somewhere in the city...

We all become a part of a huge family, better to call it a community, but, all in all, we become one...

Of course, sometimes there are arguments, quarrels, unpleasant words.. But it happens outside the game as well, why not to expect it here? People cannot be significantly different in the game from what they are in real life...

This is the reason why the sorrow is so great when a member of our huge family leaves us... Despite the fact that most of us have never met him, he was simply a part of something we all belong to, therefore he is a part us...

I believe that older players remember when Don KronoX left us and how great our sorrow was...

Rest in peace, Don...

I was stunned today, just like the most of you, when I heard that Spop is not with us any more... The first thing that crossed my mind was his old avatar with archangel, the same as in mine, I probably remembered him because of that...and then the pictures of other players who left us for good came rushing through my mind...

Spop rest in peace... Unfortunately, the fatal disease was stronger, but it won't ruin the memory of you!! We will always remember you...
Farewell, brother!!

And farewell to you all, dear friends, who aren't with us any more, and who used to be a part of our community of players!! Rest in peace... We are here to stay and keep you in our memory!!!