Veliko Slovensko eRepublik srečanje

Day 1,384, 09:38 Published in Slovenia Slovenia by SmoothZiga


Po dolgih mesecih pogovarjanja in prelaganja z organizacijo vseslovenskega srečanja nam je končno uspelo. Navdih za to srečanje smo dobili od Madžarov, ki so kakšne tri tedne nazaj organizirali internacionalno srečanje v Budinpešti katerega se je udeležil tudi en slovenec, dkivi.

Kje, kdaj, zakaj
Srečanje bo v koči v Savska ulica 84, Ribno pri Bledu od 23. do 25. septembra. Datum se nam zdi primeren saj v tem času ni več dopustov, študentje so še doma, dijaki pa tudi še nimajo veliko testov.

Potek dogodkov
V Petek 23. Septembra ob 18:00 se bo krenilo iz Puzzle bar v Ljubljani kjer je bilo že veliko manjših Slovenskih srečanj. Prihod do koče bo ob okoli 19:00. Tisti, ki niste iz Ljubljane vam ni potrebno se ustavljati v Puzzle baru in lahko greste naravnpost proti koči. Kdor ne zna priti do koče naj počaka v Ribnem pri hotelu ter pokliče enega od organizatorjev.

Za petek 23. priporočamo, da si vsak zraven prinese neko pijačo ter hrano saj prvi večer nebomo pekli.

V Soboto 24. bomo pobrali denar, predvidevamo da okoli 20€, ter šli nabavit hrano za žar ter pijačo.

V Nedeljo 25. pojemo zajterk, pospravimo ter se odpravimo domov.

Za muziko bo skrbel SmoothZiga. Seveda, lahko vsak prinese kak CD/USB zraven.

Če ima kdo doma kakšno domačo vino je zaželjeno, da ga prinese s sabo. Za plačilo se seveda dogovorimo na srečanju

To je najbolje, da se med sabo dogovorimo na forumu ali ircu. Tisti ki nameravajo iti z vlakom lahko gredo do Ljubljane kjer jih lahko ljubljančani poberejo ter se skupaj odpelajo do Bleda. Nekaj nas bo tudi šlo iz Štajerskega konca z avti tako, da lahko po poti pobiramo ljudi.

Na srečanje bodo mogoče tudi prišli tujci kot so člani enote Tjulni. Velika verjatnost je tudi, da nas pride pogledati Hrvaški tank Argrob.

Internet, admini
Pisali bomo tudi moderatorjem, da bomo imeli ta čas srečanje in bo verjetno veliko ljudi, se loginal iz istega IP tako, da nebo kakšinh nepotrebnih bannov. V okolici je veliko hotelov tako, da nebo problemov in bo lahko vsak oddelal ter odtreniral.

Zaželjeno je, da shoutate/spamate po forumu/ircu/erepublik za to srečanje, da nas bo čim več

Za več informacij lahko obiščete irc kanal #miting ali napišete na forumu

Lep Pozdrav
Glavni organizator, symon15 (pikomalecki) in Zandistadt

English version


After months of negotiations and prolonging with the organization of the all-Slovenian meeting, we finally decided to do it. Inspiration and courage for this meeting came from the Hungarian one that was organized just 3 weeks ago in Budapest and where dkivi was present with his famous Romper beer.

Where, When, Why?
The meeting will take place in a cottage, the address is Savska ulica 84, Ribno pri Bledu, from 23rd to 25th of September. The date seems appropriate since we think people will have the needed spare time. Students will have the needed time because of their still ongoing vacation.

Planned events:
On Friday, the 23th of September at around 18:00, we will make our way from Puzzle bar in Ljubljana, where we already organized some smaller meetings, to the cottage in Bled. The arrival time is at around 19:00. Those who aren't from Ljubljana do not have to stop in the capital city and may head directly to the place, where the meeting will take place. For those who do not know how to get to to the desired place, you should wait in Ribno pri Bledu and call one of the organizers for further instructions.

For Friday the 23rd we recommend that you all bring along some drinks and food since we aren't planning to cook anything.

On Saturday the 24th, we will collect money, you can expect around 20€ per person, and buy some food for grill along with drinks.

On Sunday the 25th, we eat our breakfast, tidy up and head towards our homes.

Music will be taken care by SmoothZiga, although you can still bring some CDs or USB with yourselves.

If anyone has some homemade wine, it is desirable that you bring it along. We will agree about the price at the meeting.

The best way would be that you get informed about the details on the forum or IRC chat. Those, that intend to go with a train, may pass Ljubljana, where the locals will pick you off(serious stuff!) and you will go together to Bled. Some of us will come from Štajerska(Styria) with cars and we can pick up individuals along the way.

It is possible that there will be some foreign presence at the meeting, most likely military group Tuljani. The star guest is likely to be the Croatian tank Argrob.

We would like to request, that you inform everyone about the forthcoming meeting and spam about it on forums, IRC and mainly eRepublik. Our goal is to get as many people as possible.

For more informations you can visit IRC channel #miting or visit our forum at

Best regards,
The main organizers, symon15 (pikomalecki) and Zandistadt

Translation written by Ice Killa.