
Day 2,020, 12:41 Published in Serbia Serbia by Panda monium

Ni jedne usne posle tvojih nisu imale ni slican ukus...
A ljubio sam ih mnogo..
Nekada su na oko cak i lepse bile,ali...
To je bila samo opticka varka!!

Taj ukus je ostao neponovljiv...I nezaboravan!!
Ostao je kao zelja...Da me proganja svake noci..

Kao sto malo dete voli ukus cokolade
Tako i moje srce pati za ukusom tvojih usana...

Ni tresnje,ni jadode,ni maline...
Nista nije toliko slatko
A ni jedno vino ne opija kao one...

Pomislim naci cu barem slicne,makar priblizne
I kada probam te neke druge usne
Imam osecaj kao da napravim zlocin...
Zlocin jer sam pokusao da ih zamenim tvojim...
A nikada nisu,niti ce biti
Tvojih usana dostojna zamena...


After yours, no lips tasted nearly the same...
And I have kissed many...
Some were even more beautiful to see, but...
That was just an ilusion!

That taste remained unique... and unforgetable!
It remained as a wish... To haunt me every night...

Like a child loves the taste of chocolate,
So does my heart aches for the taste of your lips...

Cherries, strawberries nor raspberries...
None are so sweet
And no wine can make me as drunk...

I thought I'll find something simmilar at least
But when I try those other lips
I feel like I've sinned...
Sinned to try to replace your lips with others...
But they're not, nor will ever be
A worthy substitute for yours...

Prevod na engleski Kapetan Uks!!Hvala Kapetane!!