USA eMarines sure do pack a punch!

Day 524, 23:35 Published in USA USA by scrabman

Tonight I was waiting for the Monday night Resistance War to start in Baja and then I realized that I hadn't picked anyone to start it! It was about 7:30pm (16:30 game time) and I thought "what do I do?" and then I realized "hey ... go get a Marine!" I stopped by my office and jumped onto IRC into the #JCS channel where I found several Marines about to deploy to Romania to tank for the day. Lucius "Lucky" Varenus volunteered so I sent him the gold from Fort Knox and within minutes he had gotten us started and then he was off to deliver some major damage overseas. Before they left they said it was too bad I couldn't join them, since I'm a 10.8 General, and I said that I would love to be able to do that after my political life ... then I was in for a treat.

I tuned in to watch the fight and saw 10 Marines deal more than 10k of damage in less than 3 minutes. Each of them was armed with Q3 weapons and 10 gold and was able to deal between 136-160 damage. The unit include😛

Eugen Harlot - General
qn20 - General
Publius - General
Tsar Vandall - General
greccelightning - General
Mdeusa03 - General
Paradizaic - General
Sukoidha - General
Lucius Varenus - General
tdwester - Colonel

It was truly impressive to watch the numbers as each attack came in and to know they were all our soldiers. Made me wish I could join in. Oh well ... sometime. I spoke with tdwester some more about it in IRC later on. It was awesome.

Then I went over to #Congress for a while to see what they were up to ... lots of discussion ... lots of bickering over the pending Speaker of the House election. But I think that this will be a great Congress once they get off to their start and Kyle passes the reins over to his successor (either my Press Secretary Claire, Cromstar, or Killing Time).

One thing that I realized today ... beyond just how awesome that our Marines are in battle ... was that I miss my left and right hands from my Administration. Tiacha resigned from Chief of Staff this weekend after a difficult decision for her and seems to have now quit the game and I will really miss her as a friend and as a hard working member of my Cabinet. Then Hokiehigh has been pretty busy with a new baby boy this week and hasn't had time to do the many things that he does to keep me on track. Actually, Hokie has left me daily reminder messages and I forgot he reminded me to get someone to start the RW today. It's all good though. Harrison Richardson and Equality have both recently stepped up to help me with some projects that we're working on, including the new War Games that will be starting soon ... more details later.

Again, great job eMarines! Ooh rah!